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At the top of the building you all ate and had light conversation with one another.


You sat at the ledge and looked out at the city, a sight you probably have seen more then a thousand times, but it still had impressed and mesmerized you each and every time.

Finishing up his food Katsuki glanced over at you, watching as you stared out at the sparkling city lights that took over the midnight sky. He took a deep breath then stood up and walked to take a seat next to you.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked as he glanced over at you

"Just....lost in thought and emotion"

"Ah, so the usual." He teased earning him a glare and a punch to the shoulder

"Shut it." You rolled your eyes with a smile "but I've been reminiscing about well...the first time I ever flied. Yeah go ahead, say it sounds cheesy."

"No I'm actually interested, what was it like?" The blonde looked toward you for an answer and you looked up at the moon and the sky that surrounded it.

"It was like I had finally been set free, being so high up there I thought I could touch the moon..flying is something very special to me. Maybe it is for you! Even though it's not that graceful." You teased and gave Katsuki a smug expression

"Oi I can fly gracefully you idiot."

"I'd love to see you try."

"HEYYY!! What are you guys chatting about!?" Kaminari shouted, cupping his hands to assist him in projecting his voice to be louder and more heard.

"Nothing that would interest you!" You retorted

Katsuki huffed and stood up, taking a glance at the moon before he sighed "I suggest we head back, we shouldn't be out this lat-"


The sound of an object breaking the wind by its force and speed shot past the buildings and suddenly hit one only a new blocks down from the hotel the group. A large explosion erupted from the building and fire roared.

"What the fuck." You shouted and now tense and on guard you looked around.

The building shook as it tried to steady the sudden force of something climbing up the side of its towering body. A large clawed hand grabbed the edge, crushing the ledge under its grip.

A beast with large bull-like horns and one eye emerged from the side of the building, climbing the rest of its body on the steady ground. It's large yellow eye looked down at [Y/n] and erupted an ear piercing roar. With a big inhale the slits on the beast began to glow an orange yellow signaling the beast was about to breathe fire, [Y/n] noticed and immediately shouted "MOVE!! GET DOWN!" The beast then blasted out a piercing wave of fire.

Katsuki stood frozen at the sudden situation, [Y/n] pushed the blonde out of the way only to get hit by the burning force and shot across the buildings rooftop to be thrown off the edge and now falling with great speed.

"[Y/N]!!, OH YOU BASTARD!!!" Katsuki's palms sparked and he threw himself up to the beast with a direct punch to its face.

"WE GOT IT!! GO GET HIM!!!" Mina shouted at Katsuki and he nodded before taking off and leaping off the ledge of the building.

Katsuki noticed your falling form, unconscious and unaware of your surroundings.

He tucked his arms back to gain speed to reach you, once close enough he reached a hand out to grab you. With success in grabbing ahold of you he attempted to wake you up. "C'mon! You have no idea what shit we are in right now. Wake up!!" He gently snaked your face, realizing it didn't work he slapped you much harder.

You gasped before noticing the two of you were falling and quickly your wings reacted before you, emerging from thin air you grabbed a tighter grip on Katsuki and spun yourself to steady your position.




You looked around noticing the street you had been on was now engulfed by flames. People screamed and shouted.

"Ashido....Kaminari..WAIT, BAKUGO WERE ARE THEY?!"

"At the top of the hotel I- LOOK OUT!!"

Another beast emerged from the flames, its wings cracked with every thrust. It screeched and reached out towards the two of you.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now