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"He should've totally been here by now.."
The group looked around the warehouse, worried and fearful.

"Somethings wrong.." Katsuki said as he faced the others, "we need to find him, he's not answering his phone." Katsuki began to walk towards the exit of the warehouse, mumbling under his breath.

The small group of teens began to make trail down the long, dark, and cold alleyways of the sleeping city.

"This shouldn't be...I mean it's just knowing (Name) he doesn't just wait out a challenge. Especially one like this.." Thea pulled at the string on her hoodie as they all walked.

"Yeah..somethings up and we-"


A thick black tar hand busted through the wall next to the group. The hand whipped around, smacking Omar to the ground and throwing Thea to the wall nearby.

"Guys!! What the hell!" Buck shouted as he took a look around, fearful.

Katsukis palms sparked as he began to blast at the tar. Another hand slushed and bursted out from the other, two hands now whipped and thrashed around.

"God damnit!!! Bakugo! Look ou- AAH" Buck flew back, hitting the wall as the thick tar crashed into him.

The three were now bound and unable to move due to the tar hands holding them down. Katsuki was now the only one standing.

"Not even a fight...and right when I was just getting excited." The villain walked through the busted wall. His foot lifted over the crushed bricks.

"Who the hell are-...(Name)!!" Katsuki's sparks calmed for a second, as his gaze fell to you. You were wrapped up in the tar just next to the villain. The thick hand of tar held you above the ground with your body mostly submerged within its grasp.

"Let him go you bastard." Katsuki practically snarled at the villain which earned him an amused laugh. The sound alone made Katsuki feel like his body would light on fire from how his blood boiled.

"So aggressive until I decide to tighten my grip." With that the villain clawed his fingers. The tar began to restrict your breathing, your muffled sounds were ones of pain. Your body burned, and your muscles felt like they were being twisted unwillingly.

"K—Katsu-" you gasped out, lungs burning and eyes begging to have at least a few seconds of air. Nothing was given, no air, and no sweet release from the restricting tar.

Katsuki's eyes glared daggers into the villains. Although he was fuming with rage he felt fear and large heating waves of adrenaline rush through his veins.

Popping sparks shot from Katsuki's palms without his own knowledge. He felt like crying but no tears would show. He felt like screaming but his voice was choked back in his sore throat.

"Let. Him. Go." He finally managed to hiss out the words.

"I will I will, but I need to barrow him for just a little while."

"Why are you even hear? Hh why come to us?" Buck spoke as best he could with the tar threatening to restrict at his throat.

"Hmm why did I come here? Well for the soul purpose that the boy here also has a quirk I desire." The villain looked back to Katsuki who stood frozen, as if a signal move or breath would seal your fate in the villains tight unforgiving grasp.

"What do you want with us." Katsuki spat venom with each word that came from his dry mouth.

"You'll see soon enough, Bakugo." The villain raised his brows at the boys name

Katsuki blasted forward with a voice that thundered threw his booming explosions.



"I'm afraid of...losing things I care about, like my mom or my friends or..uh"



𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now