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"I..how is that possible..." You stared at the screen in disbelief.


Minas screen spelt out in bold gold letters Winner! And yours had bold red letters spelling out Loser!

Mina patted your shoulder and held back her laughter "hey buddy, it's alright! Maybe next time?"

"You are now deemed the Ultimate racer champion." You said aloud as you kept your eyes on the screen, still sitting in disbelief.

Kaminari comically bowed at Mina "the almighty"

Mina began laughing at the two of you, Katsuki rolled his eyes but couldn't help smiling.

Throughout the afternoon and leading into the night. You all challenged each other or cheered each other on as you tried the claw game to win a plushy. Katsuki triumphantly held the plushy he had won with his one arm wrapped around it as it rested on his side.

Not long after as you and Mina happily cheered as you won a plushy yourselves, you all went out to get takeout.

Mina swung her keys to her car as the rest of the group followed behind with their food in hand. "I got a pretty sick place we can all go to eat, it's surprisingly warm up there even for this type of weather!" She unlocked her car then faced the rest of you, seeking approval to the suggestion.

"Sure why not?" You shrugged

"Then let's go!" Mina hopped in along with everyone else.

Along the way you sang with Mina and Kaminari in the passenger seat and Katsuki rested himself as he couldn't help but stare at you, laughing whenever you messed up a note or whenever Kaminari would sing in a ridiculous manner.

The blondes eyes sparkled at the sight of you, but as quickly as he had begun staring he snapped out of it realizing what he was doing. He shook his head slightly and blushed furiously as he stared out the window, thankful it was dark out or who knows what Kaminari would say if he saw the blonde blushing like this.

"Why am I acting like this..?"

"Why does everything he do make me feel funny...?"

"Why does his witty retorts or dumb smile make me feel hot....?"


Katsuki questioned to himself as he started up at the moon. You rested back in your seat and took a glance up and the front mirror seeing Katsuki's flawless features being highlighted from the moonlight.

You were astonished at how one person could look like a painting painted by a wise and old artist that new every answer to the whole universe. You blushed and quickly faced towards the window to hide it.

A few more minutes of Mina and Kaminari's karaoke you all had arrived at the spot. It was a large hotel that reached for the clouds.

"Now all we need to do is go to the top! Care to be our carrier [Y/n]?" Mina looked over towards you.

"You sure we shouldn't just use the elevator? Ah who am I kidding. This will be more fun then sitting in a box listening to light jazz!" You readied yourself and took in a deep breath, you released and smoke blew out from your mouth and nose. So much of it in fact that it had covered you completely and the air around you.

The group watching in awe at what you were becoming. Large scaled wings emerged from the smoke and bright glowing eyes faded into view, a giant shadow of a large reptile moved forward out from the smoke.

"A DRAGON!? You can become a freaking DRAGON!!?" Kaminari's jaw dropped and almost including his food.

"I though it was only real animals?" Mina questioned

The large reptile shook its head in response then laid down on the sidewalk, spreading out his giant wing as support for the three to climb on board on the dragon express.

"Hold on everyone!!" Mina shouted as she held onto a large spike that stuck out from the reptiles scaly back.

"Here we go!" Kaminari laughed

"This is insane!" Katsuki added as he held onto a spike tightly

The beasts large wings opened up across the sky and with one large thrust the group screamed and laughed as they took off to the sky.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum