It was the last thing he heard

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Today was the end of it all. New L'manburg had fallen victim to the tyrants on the server, destroyed and soon to be decayed. The blonde stood above it all on a pillar made of the rubble. They set off canons that drilled their way into the core of the earth until they couldn't go deeper. They unleashed beasts upon the land that continued the path of bloodshed.

Tommy glanced over to the path that he stood on earlier while shouting at Techno. His words still stung. They both stood about 20 feet away from each other, the taller taking the high ground to be rid of the explosions around them.

"You betrayed us! YOU BETRAYED ME!"

He slowly made his way down from the fallen debris and began to take one last walk around their now blown up L'manburg.

"I betrayed you?! Tommy you've only ever seen me as a weapon! AS THE BLADE!"

Tommy's feet began to move by themselves, taking him through the scarred nation. They couldn't fix it this time. His chest hurt.

"No I-! We were your friends! We're people!"

He gripped his shirt as he tried to breathe properly.

"I'M A PERSON TOO, TOMMY!" Tears were in his eyes as Phil watched from above them. "DISCS AREN'T PEOPLE!"

Tommy felt sick to his stomach rethinking what happened.

"I would've stood up for you." His voice got softer as the younger stayed silent. "I would've fought them all for you, and yet," He gestured to Tubbo standing behind the blonde. "You choose to go back to Tubbo. The guy who EXILED YOU!"

The boy's knees buckled beneath him as he fell over, crying. He was in the wrong the entire time. Believing he had given everything for this country only to see it in shambles now.

"I'M A PERSON!" The pinkette lifted up his axe and swung it down, narrowly missing his own arm. A large, shallow cut was on his arm that cut through his sleeve. The crimson color of blood began to stain the fabric and he showed his arm to the other. "See? We're the same! Same blood! The essence of life, and we have it! We're both people! We're both worth something!"

Tommy wanted to gag at the memory.

"I KNOW I'M WORTH SOMETHING! TO SOMEONE- ANYONE!" Phil gave a sad smile from above them as he set up more dynamite traps. "Aren't I a person?" Techno's voice went soft again as he wiped the tears off his face, only for more to fill their place. "Aren't I more than a weapon?"

The blonde tried to stop the thoughts from continuing. He didn't want to relive this. It's only been a few hours yet it still played on repeat, feeling like it was only moments ago. He hated this part but he couldn't stop it.

Techno pulled out a crossbow and aimed it at the two. "That's why I'm doing this." He grit his teeth and lowered his head. "To prove my point." He pulled the trigger sending a rocket at the two boys yet Tommy froze. He was scared.

A figure pushed him back as he fell. They screamed as the firework blew up against their back, burning their clothes and their skin. The rocket dug through their body, causing more damage to them.


"Tubbo?!" The brunette gave a smile and fell onto the younger.

Tommy covered his ears. "Stop!"

"I've handled it before. I can again..." He rested his head against the other's torso, taking in the peace of the moment until Tubbo laid still on top of the boy. Tommy was still frozen. He shook him.

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