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Eret held up the dress in front of him. All the ruffles flowed out gracefully and brushed the floor as it fanned out. The bright pinks and reds littered the dress as he examined it. 'I have to wear this on stream.' He thought, regretting his choices. Sure he could wear it by himself, but with so many people watching him, it was nerve wracking. He had a stream to do in a few hours where he was supposed to wear this accursed dress. 'Why did I get this?' Eret now held the dress, but he regretted his decisions. "Well this is a familiar feeling." He gave a small chuckle, trying to liven up his spirit. Heels and platforms were one thing, but a full dress? Regret flooded his head. It rose in his chest and floated to his throat, leaving a bitter taste he didn't enjoy.

He dropped the gown on the back of his gaming chair and plopped down on the floor, staring at it. Anxiety overcame his senses the more he thought. His breathing became shallow and short as he brought his knees up to his chest. His head felt heavy as it fell on top of his knees. He muttered a short, "Fuck." as he sat there. The thought was overwhelming. Wearing something so revealing even though it covered everything. He was worried about nothing! So why was he stressed?! What if he just backed out? That was fine right? Eret pondered on the thought until he sighed, knowing he would feel bad for getting people's hopes up.

"How do other people do it?" He spoke to no one. The man stood up and patted the heads on the flamingos in the room as he closed the door to block the thoughts. "How can people wear dresses and not get awkward?!" The words left his mouth in a consistent ramble as he paced around his living room when his anxiety spiked again. His mind flooded with more negative thoughts as he jumped from his phone's ringtone. He let out a relieved sigh and answered.

"Hello?" He questioned. It was silent for a minute before a voice broke the silence.

"ERET!" A voice screeched. Eret chuckled as he turned down his volume. "Hey, Finn." He said smiling.

"How're you doing man? You gonna actually stream the dress today?" Eret flopped onto the couch as he was reminded of the situation at hand.

"Eh. I don't know if i'm still up for it. It feels weird to have to wear that in front of thousands of people." He leaned back and laid down on the couch with his legs hanging over the side.

"It's not that bad once you get used to them! I have to wear them for streams all the time. At least the strawberry one you have covers a lot."

"That is true."

"I bet you'd look great in it!"

"I bet you're wrong."

"I'd bet your full of shit." Finn started laughing, getting Eret to join after a minute too. The laughter died down and left both smiling.

"Seriously though, i'll walk you through a mall with that dress on. I'll wear one too." He laughed again.

"You wouldn't." Eret said standing up.

"I would." Finn retorted.

"You won't!" Eret yelled.

"I will!" Finn laughed out. His laughter flooded the other's ears as he just enjoyed their time together on the phone, even after it died down. Finn said nothing. "Wait, you're not kidding, are you?" The screeching laughter started again.

"I'll tell you what, Finn. If I drive up to Birhmingham to visit and let you take me out in a dress, you have to pay for all the food I have on my week's trip!" Eret negotiated. There's no way he would agree to that, who in their right mind would agree to-

"Deal!" He shouted as he hung up.

Finn is never in his right mind.


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