Arrows "OLD" (slight Gream???)

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This was the old one many have seen on insta so I thought it'd be nice to add to show you my improvement! It was made around the end of last year to the beginning of this year.


He was running.

He didn't know where but he did know why. The green clad leaped from tree top to tree top as he could hear their crunching steps following his trail from below. Every now and then he could spot a shiny yet banged up sword plunge through the leaves to try and cut the branches he stood on.

"Dream~! You can't run forever! We'll be stuck here unless you just give in!" Sapnap's voice broke the sound of his heavy breathing due to his mask covering his face. And thank God for it.

They had decided to run the manhunt command that night and just play for fun. No video. No stream. No speed run. But nothing ever goes as planned, right? That's what Dream thought as he watched his screen fill with broken code and a sea of white noise. Next thing the 4 knew, they were inside the world, the only thing they saw was words in front of their faces 'Manhunt. Target: Dreamwastaken'

The compasses were given and the race had started. Panic started to arise in them as they argued on what was happening. Should they die? Should they wait? Hunt Dream? Then it clicked for the 3. The game normally ends when Dream or the hunters win right? Dream was quick to refuse this offer only to be beaten and chased. When he attacked they would flinch but they were almost unfazed. Meanwhile he could feel everything like he was being torn apart from every cell in his body. Why does it hurt? They were so far into this hunt by now. They followed him across the ocean and to literal hell and back. He was just running now. Trying his best to not feel their worn down blades in his back anymore. The way it felt when it tore flesh.... Dream shivered at the thought as he ran.

The trees shook as he speeded his way across the forest, though he knew it was ending. The trees were spread farther and farther apart every step he took. An open clearing was visible up ahead, no trees or places for him to hide in sight. His thoughts were racing as to what he could do until he felt something hit his leg, causing him to stumble down from the shaking branches. They snapped beneath him as he fell through multiple layers of the treetops.

An arrow was stuck in the back of his calf yet he continued to limp his way around another tree standing tall above him. Leaning on the tall pillar of wood, he turned to scout the area only for two more arrow tips to pierce his skin. He watched them glide through his chest as if he were nothing.

The hit being so perfect yet so painful.

Nothing had ever felt this painful before.

Dream's hands were shaking, his knees buckled under him and he collapsed only for a pair of arms to catch him.
"Oh my God! Dream! Are you OK? We shouldn't have fired two! But at least we can go home now right?"

The boy in blue held him close giving a reassuring smile to the dying male in his arms. "You'll respawn and we can go home!" George's eyes held a genuine sight of happiness at the thought of leaving this world.

Dream couldn't say a thing. His lungs filled and collapsed, his chest hurt more than hell fire. What was he even supposed to say? He struggled to breathe even more than before as he weakly clawed at his mask, desperate to get any air. George took note of this and grabbed it off hesitantly. Where were Sapnap and Bad? They were probably nearby but Dream's body could barely hold itself, no less turning his head. It was then that George noticed the pained look on Dream's face, his facade no longer hidden behind the dirtied white plastic.

"Dream?" He hugged his arms around Dream slightly tighter causing a grunt of pain to be let out from the dying boy. "Wait how much does this hurt you? Wait... DREAM WE'VE BEEN ATTACKING YOU THIS ENTIRE TIME!" A chuckle filled the air. Dream couldn't help but laugh at George's worried nature. The laugh was raspy and weak with a cough interrupting it midway through. He felt warm, thin tears trail from the corners of his eyes. How long had he been crying?

"Dream if it hurt so much why didn’t you attack us?! Or make another shield?!" Dream couldn't hold his body up anymore and let all his weight onto George's arms, struggling to keep him sitting up. He could talk, but hardly be heard.

"I didn't want you all... to Feel it..." He gave pants and gasps for breath as he tried to talk, giving his last words to them before he was out of time.

"What do you mean 'feel it'?! We haven't felt a thing! What? Dream please! No no no no no! You'll respawn right? you won't feel it then, right?!" The green boy went to answer but couldn't. He gave a smile and watched George disappear from his vision along with the rest of the world. George hugged his body close as his eyes veered away from his own.

It was limp and heavy, covered in blood and two arrows straight through his chest. A chime was heard from somewhere above and words appeared in front of him like before.

'Manhunt over. Target: Killed respawning in 3…



The world around them turned a bright white then returned to color. George was no longer clutching Dream's body in his arms yet the blood stains still tainted his clothes. Bad spoke up.
"Guys? Where's Dream?" The 3 looked around only to find no sign of the hunted.

He had to have respawned right?

They looked around for a minute before everything seemed to float upwards. Leaves and grass turned towards the sky as animals and mobs floated towards the blue abyss. The 3 boys also were ascending while continuing to look for their deceased friend. They hadn't even realized they were each back where they were taken. In front of their monitors and still in the call.

Everything seemed to be as it was left except for their screens. Bad let out a small shriek followed by a few sobs as Sapnap gave a surprised gasp.

George looked in discord only to see Dream's facecam on, his body slumped in his seat with his head on the desk, stained in blood with 2 familiar arrows protruding out from his chest.

Dream team, sleepy bois, SMPS, Lunchclub, etc. oneshots!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن