Cliffs and Skies to Wings and Cries

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Phil stood outside of the small cottage he shared with Techno. He was retiring from causing anarchy and left L'manburg to be alone and Phil asked if he could join him. Phil was neutral.

He wasn't in L'manburg. He wasn't in the Dream nation. He just simply lived wherever and explored. Phil helped build new L'manburg and helped get materials and resources for the BadLands. When he saw what happened on the 16th, he left with Techno. They visited Tommy's little area while he was exiled and talked to Dream occasionally, though Techno preferred to stay away from them. He didn't want the dirty glares from his brother every second he was there. Phil noticed this and tried to bring his attention to other things. They made a small turtle farm and Techno wanted to try being a beekeeper, asking Phil for help.

Now though, it was early morning. Nothing to do until people started to wake up. It was before sunrise when the blonde awoke sore and tired. He threw on his coat and clothes and decided to just stay outside for a bit, watch the sunrise, just relax. He adjusted the coat, making sure his wings fit underneath the warm fabrics. It was cold in the area they were in. Freezing actually, yet he was used to it. Before he adopted Wilbur, he and his oldest used to live in Antarctica with another man named Pete. They built an empire then continued to claim the entire world until multiple nations threatened with war. Then they moved to the Dream nation. Techno wanted to stay and cause trouble while Phil wanted to continue to explore the world. They made a deal that Phil would have to come back once every month to visit and spend time together if they both could still do what they wanted. Over the years he adopted two more kids. Wilbur: his middle child, and Tommy: the youngest. They boys all stayed with Techno in the Dream nation. Wilbur made his own nation and lost an election, though that's all Phil knew before he came back.He hadn't received any word from them for some time and Phil made his way back to them. Yet when he got there, he was too late, finding chaos and destruction everywhere.

Wilbur had lost his marbles and was forced to kill him before he caused any more damage, Techno killed everyone, or he attempted to, mostly leaving people on the brink of death. And then there was Tommy. From what Phil had heard, he gave everything for L'manburg only for it to be destroyed and him be exiled again.

Phil didn't want to stay there either. That's why he was here now. Standing outside in the cold just enjoying the silence. An idea formed in his head as he took off his coat and went back inside to put it up. He opened his chest to place it inside only to hesitate at what was inside. It was a large blue sweater given to him by Ghostbur. He remembered what he told him about it too. "It's my favorite blue item! Anytime I put it on I don't feel sad anymore, almost like it means more to me than it should." Phil was torn apart by the thought. He didn't know exactly what happened with Schlatt but they were good friends. They explored a few countries together until they parted in Europe, Schlatt wanting to stay a bit and take a break. Phil later adopted Wilbur only to meet Schlatt once again in America after Wil introduced them.

Phil shook the memories away once again. He set the coat into his storage and went back outside in the cold. He began to walk to one of the tall mountains behind the house to enjoy the sunrise. He left his stuff at the house, not wanting to carry a load of stuff up a mountain.

He reached the top and sat on the edge, some snow falling off the long drop. He got comfortable and just stared off into the horizon, watching the sky turn to brighter shades and hues of color. The wind blew against his skin as he gazed at the sky, laying down to rest on his back. This was nice to Phil. Just the quiet and the cold. The light now covered part of the area where the house was, most likely waking up Techno. He chuckled to himself at the thought of him throwing whatever was near him at the window. He always hated it when the sun would get in his eyes. Phil would wake up sometimes to their widows shattering from Techno throwing his sword or boots at the window. So that's why their windows were now trapdoors.

Dream team, sleepy bois, SMPS, Lunchclub, etc. oneshots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora