Trapdoors (SHORT)

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Have this while i work on the next chapter because im losing my mind. Its just about a slight headcanon ive had of Phil for a while (like not even kidding before he ever joined the dsmp i always loved to imagine him like this XD)

Enjoy (please god help me-)


The morning was cold with a sharp bite. The freezing tundra was glowing from the sun's rays to where it was almost blinding. Though cold doesn't mean it's any time for breaks, now does it? The three men were crossing around their area, lugging logs from the surrounding forest and carrying smaller items for details. They were building the small dog house behind Techno's home and building a place for Ranboo to actually live in. Not just a roof over his head but a real home. They were going to be dug into the mountain so it stays warm and there's no need for a fireplace or a source of heat, a much needed 'thank you' to Phil was heard from the other two when the thought arised.

So there they were, building and gathering, hours on hours through the day. They sent Phil off to snag some stuff from the remains of L'manburg as they continued getting the basics set up. They had a large area dug into the mountain and Ranboo had already lined it with wood and furniture.

"Wouldn't you want to wait a bit before you start decorating?" The pinkette spoke up. Ranboo set down the flower pot he held and turned to Techno.

"No! I wanna start now! Besides, if I need more room I can just dig further in. It is a mountain so nothing will be seen!" He bounced on his heels slightly as he looked more around the open room, envisioning how he wanted to style everything. It was the same look as Techno's house but a bit more was added like the taller door frames so he didn't hit his head on the way in. Ranboo snickered at the thought.

"What is it?" Techno questioned. Ranboo shushed himself as he covered his mouth with his hand.

"The door!" The half enderman decided to just laugh at the sight. "You're so short!" Techno stood in the door frame with his head only reaching half the height. He gave a huff and started to drag the large logs of wood in front of the door, locking the taller inside. "Hey wait! Move them!"

Ranboo ran to the logs and hit his shoulder against them in an attempt to move them, laughing uncontrollably. After a few seconds of the repeated action he just gave up and grabbed an axe to get them out of the way. He began to cut through a few of them until he noticed the large open space that he had yet to fill in. "Hmm...I don't want to feel cut off." He trailed off. It would feel too stuffy if it didn't seem that open. An idea filled his mind as he set the axe on the partially broken logs and ran to the back of the room. Opening his storage, he grabbed out a sandbag and charcoals for his furnace. He made his way over to the furnace in the wall and began to untie the straps on the bag, pouring sand onto the large open area and evening it out. He opened the steel door at the bottom and dumped the coal in as he spit on the coal to ignite a flame.

Shutting the door, he went back to the entrance and began to make a frame using the logs in the open space. After doing so he began to decorate again, doing mindless tasks around the room with Techno popping in occasionally with more stuff. Eventually it became noon, maybe around two to three o-clock, and Ranboo was pulling out the newly made glass from the burner. He began to cut it into shapes to fit the open space for it and layered them making three layers of glass so it doesn't break. The enderman looked at the newly made window with pride as he grabbed some ink and added small drawings and designs to the corners just for fun. He set the ink aside after seeing Techno waving him down from outside.

"Phil's back!" He cupped his hands around his mouth to get a louder sound as the other joined him. He gave a thumbs-up to Techno from the window, though Techno turned back around so he never saw. Ranboo watched as Phil circled above the house and dropped a bag full of items to Techno before flying away again. The boy smiled before placing more pots around the room, setting them up on shelves and tables. His eyes trailed outside once more as he heard his name being called.

"Ranboo! Ranboo look what I found!" He stepped back to the window to see Phil flying then diving down lower, coming towards Ranboo. He waited for a second expecting Phil to lift up and land but that wasn't the case.

"Wait pHIL-!" He went to run outside before he heard a 'THUD!' against the window. The sound made the boy jump back for a second before running to go help the older.

"Phil! Oh my god. Are you okay?! What happened?!"

Phil sat on the ground rubbing his head as Ranboo grabbed his hat, handing it to him. The blonde grabbed his hat and the black and white flowers that were scattered around him, setting them to the side as he looked around. He tapped the glass once. Then twice. Then just rested his hands against it.

"Uhh. Phil?" Ranboo placed a worried hand on his shoulder as Phil just stared at the glass, tapping it and leaning on it. 

"Ranboo!" The boy snapped his head towards Techno as he ran over. When he fully arrived he took in the situation and gave a laugh.

"Why are you laughing?! What just happened?!" The pinkette just ignored his questions as he nudged Phil, grabbing his attention. He tapped his side with his shoe as the blonde looked up at him.

"It's glass, Phil." He smiled.

Phil turned back to the glass as he processed what he was just told. "Oh..." He went quiet. "Pfft-!" Phil began laughing as his wings fluttered along with him. Techno sighed happily and began to unlatch the windows from their place in the wall.

"Can someone explain to me?!" Ranboo threw his hands up in confusion. Techno looked to Phil who was still wheezing on the ground, then back at Ranboo.

"Phil can't see glass." He stated plainly. "Think of it like a bird. When flying, they run into windows all the time because they can't see it. Even if it's colored, he still has trouble with it."

Ranboo gave a shocked expression as Techno looked back at Phil who had not changed. "Besides, why do you think my house doesn't have windows?" Ranboo looked back to the larger building a few yards away from them, suddenly realizing he was right. There were no windows. Techno walked past the boy and placed a hand on his shoulder, chuckling. "Should've told you the rule before. No windows allowed. Just use trapdoors."

He passed the younger as he helped Phil stand up and led him back inside as Ranboo was still bewildered.

"What the fuck?"



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