Dark Feathers (SHORT)

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Tubbo stood outside in the rain, letting the drops hit his face as he smiled. "You realize how dumb this is?"

Ranboo was sitting on the muddy ground beside him, patting the ground as he swiped away mud for the younger to sit. "It's just rain!"

"Won't you get hurt in it? It is water." Tubbo questioned nervously as he sat down, trying not to slip. Ranboo grabbed his arm and yanked him down, laughing as the dirty, thick water splashed everywhere.

"No. I've got my amour on so I'll be fine!" He grinned and balled a fist as he knocked on his helmet and chest. He watched as Tubbo flicked his wings out, flinging mud behind the two. The white feathers turned a light gray as they got wet. "Don't those get heavy? Like, why do all humans have those?" Ranboo pointed a finger at his wings.

Tubbo's smile got wider as pulled a wing forward, brushing the feathers down. "It's for your soulmate!"

Ranboo tilted his head. "Soulmate? Like, the person you're destined to be with?"

The brunette nodded his head. "Yeah! But they're not all romantic. It's more if you ever get separated. Sometimes it's for friends." Ranboo reached out to touch the feathers, joining the boy in fixing the feathers as they wiped mud off of them. "When Tommy was exiled, my wings turned gray. We weren't together anymore so it was like our string of fate was cut, yunno?"

Ranboo gave an understanding nod as he examined the feathers, slightly jealous of their beauty. He motioned for Tubbo's other wing when he had got most of the mud off. "So why are Phil's black then?"

Tubbo turned his body to face Ranboo as he closed them inside his wings, making a small dome of feathers where they could still fix them. He brushed his hair back as the rain water soaked his clothes. "It means he lost someone." Ranboo's ears lowered a bit at the thought.

"Oh." He paused. "Do you think it was Wilbur?"

Tubbo shook his head as he grabbed a bug that was sitting on a feather, scrunching his nose at it. "No. His wings were black before that."

"Maybe it was their mom?" Ranboo asked. Tubbo tilted his head in confusion. "Like, Techno, Tommy and Wilbur. Maybe he had a wife."

Tubbo clicked his tongue as he understood. "Nope. She's still here. And they still visit each other so that's not it."

"Wait, you've seen her?!" Ranboo moved forward with excitement as he slammed his hands on the ground. The mud puddle between them splashed from the movement and flew back onto their clothes and Tubbo's wings.

"Whoops." Ranboo squeaked out. Tubbo gave a small glare before the two started laughing, continuing their process.

"Yeah I've seen her. She occasionally visits Techno and Phil's shared house in the tundra."

Something seemed to click in the ravenette's head. "Maybe he lost a friend. He sometimes talks about how he would explore the world with someone." Tubbo pondered on the thought for a second.

"You might actually be right."

The two now sat in silence. Ranboo adored the boy's wings more as Tubbo was flicking off dirt and mud from the feathers. The rain pattered around them as they enjoyed the sound of the white static storm. The atmosphere was a calming one. A pleasant moment before Ranboo's face shifted. "Something doesn't feel right."

Tubbo gave a confused look. "What do you mean, big man?" He gained no answer as Ranboo quickly stood up and pushed his way out of their small area. He began to run through the storm. He didn't know where. He just felt something pulling him to go. "Ranboo, wait!"

He sprinted after the taller as they made their way through the rain. Thunder was striking their ears loudly as Ranboo slid to a stop. He was just staring forward when Tubbo caught up to him.

"What's wrong?! Answer me!" Tubbo waved his hands in front of the enderman's face with a frantic look. He followed his eyes as to where they were staring as he felt his blood run cold. The prison was seen in the distance as Tubbo remembered the situation. He had been trying to keep his mind off it like Sam told him to.

"Something doesn't feel right." Ranboo said again. Tubbo turned back to him worriedly.


Lightning struck a nearby tree, drawing Ranboo out of his trance as he looked at Tubbo's shaking figure. His blue eyes were wide with worry. Though Ranboo was now panicking more.

He stepped back from the boy, not wanting to accept what he was looking at. Lifting a shaky finger, he pointed to Tubbo's back. The boy brought his wings forward, freezing at the slight of a black feather. Then two.

Then four.

Then twelve.

He was scared, his doe eyes flicking between the enderman and his wings. Soon enough his entire world was crushed at the dark feathers. Both of his wings were now fully black. Only one person was connected to their color. He looked back to the distance as he felt himself crying.



Suprise i still exist

We went back to school full time so now the already slow updates will be even slower (IM SO SORRY-)

I have plently of ideas and im still writing multiple peices (yes this includes the scu oneshot) but please just know that these will be filtering in even slower than before because of schoolwork and stress

Requests are always open

I love you all! <3

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