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Okokok Uhhh..... As people might know I'm a sucker for angst or basically just anything with blood or death.


Sapnap is Sweeny Todd with Dream as the baker who stuffs his pies with the bodies of those who visit.

Yeeaahh fucked up i know but I'm a sucker for the musical.

Like imagine George just trusting his buddies and then he's all like

"oooo shit your murders and cannibal?
Adios." *slowly fades out of existence*

Also fall/Halloween spirit anyone?

But yeah that's it for today


Shortly I'm gonna post (yet another) one shot about Tommy and Tubbo (sorry I love the dynamic)

Comment if ya want a Sweeny Todd oneshot!

... Or don't.... Idk it's all up to what you guys wanna read.

Bai bai!

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