The Mockingjay

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Requested by: MelodyGirl429

Just a heads up, I have never seen nor read anything on hunger games before so i had to bullshit my way through this whole thing

soooo yeah sorry its shit :,)


The room was dark and cold. Mold and grout was in the corners of the room and creeped its way up the walls of their demise. Well, demise for one. Traves tried to make light of the situation saying they would find a way out but Cooper knew it was a load of bullshit. After the uprising at the capitol they were gagged, tied up and brought to wherever they were now. The rebellion held value but Cooper saw nothing but a bunch of people trying to get themselves killed. One was pissed off and the other was oblivious. Cooper sat on the cold concrete flooring picking at the grout as Traves was trying to look out of the small bars in the room.

"I wouldn't touch those Traves." The boy turned around, Cooper's back across the room facing him. "Those are old. Rusted. You'll cut yourself and get infected and personally, i'd rather not die that way."

Traves let go of the bars and held a sour face. He looked back through the bars again, still seeing nothing to help. From what he could see, they were in a facility with people everywhere. In the corners he could see where no people stood, cameras with bright red lights tracked every moving entity. The brunette gave a sad sigh and walked over to the older boy, plopping down behind them so their backs were touching. As they leaned on each other, he tried to think of other ways out of this place. The window was large enough for them to fit through but breaking the crooked and rusted bars would be a pain. The door was firmly bolted and had 3 layers of steel so that was a no-go. Their weapons were taken and broken upon kidnapping so they were stuck. He gazed mindlessly at the wall as he thought. The sound of Cooper's nails chipping away at the concrete rang throughout the room.

"Maybe if we take out the next person who comes in." Spoke Traves. "We could run out there and find somebody or something to defend ourselves."

"Just stop trying, dude." The shorter of the two hated how the room fell silent as the other stopped his continuous action. He put more weight onto Traves as he laid his head back, resting against the younger. "We're not getting out. This is where we die." His voice cracked slightly at the end as he gave a heavy breath.

Traves frowned. "We can get out, but I need you to work with me here. Not against me. At Least try to help with ideas." He started to shout a bit but quieted down. He was getting annoyed. You can't stay positive all the time can you?

"What don't you get?" Cooper's voice was low and held a grim tone. The blonde stood up and spun around to glare down at the boy. "We're not getting out! We can't! There's literally nothing we can do!"

At this action, Traves stood up as well to defend himself. "Can you have at least some hope?! The others are coming for us! I know it!" He gestured his hands towards the door. "We can leave if you can just help me!" He latched himself onto Cooper's arm to make him focus, the taller just turning his head.

"Why won't you listen?" He yanked his arm away and faced the wall. "WE. WON'T. LEAVE!" Upon finishing his words he winded his arm back and with full force he punched the wall. His breathing was heavy as he tried to calm down, sliding down the wall as he used it for support.

Traves had flinched back at the sudden action, scared of what might happen. Cooper was pressing his head on the wall, his hair falling in his face. The blood on his knuckles was smearing onto the wall and ran down, creating a scene that you would expect to see in a horror movie. Traves was scared but his mouth seemed to move on its own.

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