Chapter 16

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Kirai's POV

"I am once again curious, sensei. Since suspicion had awoken, how did you take the matters in your hands?" Yoi asked. "Well, it appears that whatever friendly relationship you have with the great Hashirama Senju, are things changing from this point?"

Fixing my hair is quite troublesome, knowing the fact that it is a mess when it's wet. "The answer is simply a no."

Yoi looks quite confused, as if taken aback by such response. "No? But Madara made such a startling appearance! As far as I know, Madara Uchiha plans to use you. Once Hashirama and the other Senju clan knew of this... Well..."

I only hummed, "Indeed. It is going to be very difficult for me as time passes on if they find out Madara's intentions. Although I will not be very much involved, yet knowing the fact that everyone hated me will only add the fuel. No matter all these manipulative ideas are created from Madara, the Senju excluded Hashirama will use this opportunity to throw me out of their compound. They will think of me as a traitor despite not even agreeing to Madara's term yet."

My student frowned at this, "That is a hideous thing to do!"

"That is right. But what could a lady like me do when I am surrounded by haters? Hashirama lacks knowledge or awareness about my situation, and I have not much defense to protect me."

Yoi leaned closer, water trickled down from her skin. "Then what was everyone's response about this? I want to know."

"And you will know now." I smiled at her sadly, then looking up, not caring if my hair is getting more wetter. The mist from the hot spring made my mind a bit more foggy, but within those fog, there were certain images dancing as the mist grew thick. The images became imaginations, and those imaginations became the picture of my past.

When we evacuated from the battlefield, Hashirama dismissed all the shinobi into the medical area and sent the corpses down to their grave. The shock from Madara's powerful genjutsu had not faded away so quickly. I can still vaguely remember how I was locked up with heavy chains, and the torture I felt, and the unability to move.

It will give me nightmares, and it will make me feel sick for a while. Hashirama had ordered someone to aid me in the medical area. I can understand the rush from Hashirama. He wanted to know about what Madara did to me. Maybe it was not Hashirama's plan, but it was his younger brother's, Tobirama.

Tobirama Senju already has suspicion placed on me ever since Madara has his sight on me. The younger Senju understood the hatred coming from Madara against Hashirama, he knew their rivalry and their equal power when the two clan leaders fought against each other. But to me, he does not understand. It is why he has his suspicion on me... Because it does not make sense.

Why did Madara come to me? Why did he choose to fight me when I alone am weaker against him? Why did he always seek me when I am with no one? Why me?

I am not willing to share my point of view to the two brothers just yet. I want everything to be calm at first, and then I'll share my story. It is not good when everything is very tense, however, I know that waiting will only pique Tobirama's curiosity. Interrogation is not very exciting, but I must face it in order to make Hasirama see me that I am his friend. That I am by his side always.

After a few days of missed battles and staying in bed, I am finally recovered. I was given specific orders that once I am well, I have to go directly to the main house. Hashirama and Tobirama are waiting there, and I pray that there are no councillors staying in there as well. I would like everything to be a secret.

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