Chapter 17

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Kirai's POV

"Let me tell you something, Yoi, about the way Madara delivered his words like a siren luring their next prey into their call of traps." I twirled my fingers, recalling the day Madara had me fallen into his trap like it was yesterday. "It was so dangerous and so powerful that, back then, I had considered his words."

As expected, Yoi gasped loudly. "Meaning you have thought about it!?"

I merely hummed as a response.

"T-That was... That was shocking, to say the least, but at the same time expected." Yoi sighed, slumping in her chair as she stared at me. "Of course, I do know that the legendary Madara Uchiha has a way with words. With his charm, wickedness, and perhaps even looks, can sway the hearts of everyone with just one look in the eye. But... learning the fact that you had taken the bait is just..."

I smiled at her sadly, "Indeed, I was such a foolish woman. I mean, who would not fall into such a tempting offer? He had said so himself he would grant me freedom, love, and family, and I was so desperate for those objectives." Then I laughed lightly, chuckling at that foolish thought. "But of course, that was my excuse. To understand what it feels to be loved, is something that I wanted, like how the Senju clan loved their leader. As of now, I realized that my obsession with achieving that dreams can sometimes blind me. I never learned, for how foolish I am to see. A big fool that during those times, I forgot who Madara is."

"I am not insulting you in any way, sensei, but indeed you are right, a fool. You yourself have battled that Uchiha, and even knew his intentions with you. Yet you considered his words, no, you almost took his offer just because you are selfish." My student shrugged, "However, I could not blame you, sensei, because perhaps I would do the same thing as you do. But there is always a saying that, when you have grown obsessed with something you wanted or see for yourself, is when you become a fool for not seeing the consequences behind it. My own interpretation in that line serves a meaning for me, and it means, to put it bluntly, you are risking the lives of others, especially the innocent, just because you are obsessed at something you want to take."

There and then, I burst out a sincere laughter. This completely baffled Yoi, as her mouth gape open whether she was shocked or felt offended. "Excuse me, sensei? My words are entirely serious, and even though you are my teacher, I cannot have you laugh off my advice."

I waved my hands at her, shooing the seriousness away. "Oh, believe me, I took your words with heart. But I am older and wiser than you now, Yoi. That was before, I am a completely different person today. I perfectly understand my state back then since I still feel embarrassed of the way I thought during that time."

Yoi blushed and chuckled, "Sorry about that...'' Then she cleared her throat, "Anyways, back to your story. What happened next?"

My eyebrow perked up as I smirk, "Oh? Feeling embarrassed now, are we?"

"Nope!" She shouted sternly.

I have a nightmare again, except this time was horrifying than the other nights. It felt like I experienced it, or a feeling that this dream is bound to happen. So when I woke up with sweat running down my face, with my chest heaving up and down as I stayed lying down, my back pressed into the bed, I felt myself wanting to cry. The urge to vomit has risen again, and I can feel myself growing dizzy every minute.

It added up to my collection, that nightmare is like experiencing hell– or like seeing your only loved one dying in front of you. But what was that nightmare again? How could something so terrifying can be easily forgotten? Yet surely, I can see visions of that wicked dream, and I can already assume that a certain someone always appears in it.

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