Chapter 19

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Kirai's POV

"Don't be persistent, Hashirama, you are not her parent. A simple talk is all I need." Madara finally came out after such a while. Forming a circle seems to be such a good idea to keep them away– specifically, to keep Madara from reaching me. It was difficult for them to break our circle and fight us individually since my comrades seemed to be stuck together. Why, of course it wouldn't be easy, after all, Hashirama and Tobirama are part of the group.

No matter how many paper bombs, shuriken, kunai and other deadly weaponry are being thrown at us, the circle remains strong and unbreakable, persevering till the end. However, that was not the case to the other groups. Although my group of circle remained resistant, some of our men were quite unlucky. We received unfortunate news that some of our comrades were unable to form their circles for a long period of time, which in the end, led them to separate and fight their opponents individually. It is a bad thing.

Once everyone part ways, it is only a matter of time that they are surrounded themselves by the Uchiha's growing numbers. Their goal was to get us one by one; alone. Many of our comrades met their end, the plan was indeed successful but the formation did not last long.

Even us, right now, have problems.

Madara and Izuna, the two great Uchiha leaders with great prowess, are working alongside each other. They are not alone, of course, considering that we are surrounded by powerful Uchiha everywhere. It is, by no means, reasonable since two known and powerful members of the Senju clan are with me. Hashirama and Tobirama are difficult people, and to take down difficult people, one should use the same difficulty against them.

All this just to take me away.

"No," Hashirama agrees, "I am not her parent... but her friend. A simple talk, you say? Lies!"

Madara scoffed in frustration, the wood style snapping at every side at lightning speed as it tried to catch every enemy Hashirama spotted. "You're very annoying. Are you not seeing the condition you are in, Hashirama? Your dear friends are dying whilst you stay in this little pesky formation, are you not going to aid them?"

The Senju did not speak. It is bothersome, but he did not seem affected by it. He is very aware of the situation, how everything has become disadvantageous to them and more challenging. However, he cannot risk it, not yet. After all, their main target, judging by their own persistence and stubbornness, was me. Even though they have killed my comrades from left to right, they always come back to our group.

We need to fall back. Retreat. More of us could die.

I nudged at Hashirama's elbow, calling his attention in desperation, "Hashirama, it is either to advance or to retreat. Nevertheless, if we are to stay here, more of our soldiers will die."

Tobirama, surprisingly, agrees with me, giving his elder brother a side glance. "Things have become so tragic, brother, whatever advantages we had earlier became a negative one. None of us are affected by the Uchiha's genjutsu, none, yet with their weapons being constantly thrown at us to separate the group individually have created physical damage. I plead for a retreat of action!"

I nodded in urgency. Hashirama was sweating.

"Indeed, it is getting out of hand. Much to my dismay, this plan of ours may have given us advantages a while ago to prevent genjutsu afflicting our minds, but we cannot handle more Fire Style attacks and throwable weapons be directed in our circle." Hashirama muttered, directing his wood style with accurate control.

Despite the whispering, the eyes of the Uchiha can easily read whatever we were saying with our mouths. Madara Uchiha, who had stopped hiding and is now fighting Hashirama's woods, smirked at us. A smirk filled with intent.

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