Chapter 12

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Kirai's POV

"I am not surprised that you managed to take down one of the strongest shinobi," Yoi said. "You were strong back then, and stronger now. So I found myself expressing not even a bit of shock."

I chuckled, "I am flattered. But do think that even though I was a little spitfire, there are some... issues that I have made during my show-off."

Her eyes widened, "You were able to show them what you got, isn't that enough? I mean, I do know that there are issues but I thought that performance will be enough to show them."

My lips were dry, I had to lick them. "Indeed, but the thing is... there is always a however."

She pursed her lips, "And what now? What did you earn in that challenge?"

I smiled sadly, "Big things..."

Hashirama grabbed my shoulders, facing me to him. "I think that is enough, Kirai. You have proven yourself worthy. Though I am upset that this is the result, but you have shown your guts and strength to all of us."

Yet, I am not satisfied. My opponent is still there, standing. The rules were two rounds of battle, and the authorities themselves broke it. Why would they not let me continue? This man is precious, I understand, but if he is so strong then he can always go back up.

"Enough, Kirai. Listen to me." Hashirama commanded. I did not like that tone.

My grip of the hilt weakened when I realized I clenched my hands so hard to the point it went numb. The sword fell and clanged in the ground. When I released the tension off of my body, I began to notice my injuries and the pain I felt.

It hurts, badly. I wanted to cry. So I did...

Tears were falling down my cheeks as I struggled not to sob right in front of them. The training did hurt, but the resulting end of the battle which is pain is far greater than my harsh training. I wonder if Hashirama and the others felt this searing pain as well. Now that I have felt this pain, I also felt a big disappointment and the huge dissatisfaction. I have proved my worth, deemed that I am capable, but the result was not what it seemed.

I so badly want to win. Despite Hashirama whispering in my ears that I am successful, why is there a burning anger that wants to burst in my heart?

"Hashirama, take her away." Butsuma ordered. Hashirama immediately complied as he swooped down and carried me.

Tears are bubbling in my eyes and I let them flow freely. "It hurts..." My wounds hurt, but my heart hurts. My wounds are nothing but harsh pain that does not affect me deeply, but my heart that is filled with anger affects me more because it hurts.

"It's alright, Kirai. I will make the pain go away. Just hold on tight, I will take you to the infirmary."

Will the infirmary help take away the anger in my heart? Will the medicine heal that darkness inside me?

I only clutched Hashirama's sleeves tighter.

My body went numb afterwards, and the last thing I felt was Hashirama's warmth leaving me as he put me to bed. It went dark.

When I woke up, I could smell a tangy and... metal scent in the air. It hurts to smell and it smells really bad. I guessed it must be the medicine and blood. The blood is a familiar scent, but there is something in the air that I do not like to take a sniff.

My heart longed for Hashirama, but he is not here. The only sense of comfort is his presence, yet I cannot find him. I remember that he was here, but where had he gone?

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