Chapter 10

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Kirai's POV

"Hashirama, what you have witnessed is a sign of a lost hope. That... friend, of yours is not bothered by whatever you put through that head of his. His name is... Madara, am I correct? He is an Uchiha. An enemy... Our enemy! You should be glad that I have not spread these to the rest of our clansmen. But despite that, I will not let go of this event. I shall punish you for disobedience and secrecy. Keep in mind that your actions can put your family in danger." Butsuma's voice was low and heavy, muttering it so that only his children could hear.

I kept hidden, eavesdropping at the conversation. I peeked at the corner, trying to be as sneaky as possible like a mouse. Since I have an advantage because of my non-presence, I am able to at least gather information this way. Though it is considered a bad attitude, I am growing tired of Hashirama hiding things from me.

Yet I am worried. How is Hashirama? He has lost his friend. It must be troublesome. I recalled how happy he was when he told me his encounter with Madara. I have not seen Hashirama's face because his back is on me, but his shoulders are slumping. Showing a sign that he is visibly upset or maybe sad.

How I wish to wrap my arms in his waist and remind him that I am still here. Madara might be his close friend, but I am still here. I want to remind him that despite the pain, I will be there to support him. But how can I when I am living in fear?

From all that training, I had learned the history that the clan Uchiha and Senju shared. Though it is not only those two clans that have been fighting, but other famous clans as well. These two are the only mightiest clans in the whole shinobi world. It hurts to know this knowledge that there is always fighting in every clan.

Hashirama's dream is to end the war. But still he is helpless in this state. I remember Hashirama saying that he will have to get stronger in order for everyone to recognize his power. And if he has power, he will turn this war into peace. Hashirama specifically told me this because Madara also stated this to him. I am surprised that both Uchiha and Senju have wanted peace from this reckless war. But I am happy that Hashirama is not alone.

Now I am disappointed. Hashirama and Madara's friendship is over now that they have revealed each other's identity. It is a cruel fate. Hashirama just wanted peace. I do not think he cared that Madara is an Uchiha. He just wants to change his friend's mind and help him change the world. But in the end, it is just wishful thinking.

"Hashirama, take this as a lesson." Butsuma glared at his son, not taking his eyes off of him. "Hope cannot exist in this era of war. It is because this war has been going on for so long that peace is not a choice. Rather, the only hope that has been drilled to everyone's mind is to win, be victorious, kill the opponents, and be done with the war. That is what taught us ever since we step foot outside our homes to fight our opponents. A pact between two opposing sides? How absurd for you to think such a thing. Hashirama, you have seen the eyes of your so-called-friend. The hatred he bears when he learns the truth. He no longer sees you as a pal, but an enemy. I simply–"

"Father!" Hashirama cut in, "I-I-I... It is not true! He is only hating because you ought to kill Madara's younger brother. It is an instinct of his... An action in which his mind is drilled to protect his loved ones. So... w-w-when you attempted to kill his younger brother, Madara b-became furious! I am, too, as well, w-when Madara's father tried to kill Tobirama... Madara is still my friend, but–"

"Silence, boy!" Butsuma roared. "Have you heard that boy's declaration!? You are still defending him even though he no longer sees you as his friend! He had lost hope of whatever you two planned to do! What did he say, it is wishful thinking, am I correct? Why did he say that? Does that mean he had lost hope? Yes! Of course he did. Because of how much blood we shed and killed, there is just no way for Senju and Uchiha to be in a pact. We killed too many of their men and children, them as well. Nothing is easy in the world, boy. So whatever hope you have, be done with it. Are you happy to see the Uchiha kill the last of your brother? If not, then kill that hope you have. It will not work anymore..."

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