Chapter 9

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Kirai's POV

It was when Hashirama returned home with a small smile in his face that I approached him. He exited from the forest, looking satisfied and happy. When he saw me, he did not bother hiding his big grin.

"Hello, Kirai! Something the matter?" He gave me a soft smile.

I returned it and replied, "No..."

"Did you finish your training?"

I nodded, "Yes."

His eyes gleamed brightly, "That is good! How did it go?"

My lips feel dry, so I licked them. "It went... alright. I think..."

Hashirama's brow rose up, curious. "Oh? You sound unsure of your reply, Kirai-chan."

Should I tell him? Perhaps I shall. I did not approach him for no reason. "Because... I..." Now, how do I say this without ruining his happy mood? "Everyone is sad... today."

My shoulders tensed when his smile faltered. I knew I had already destroyed the mood. "Ah, yes. Indeed, today is not a special day."

I gulped, "I-Itama..."

Then, his tight smile turned into a frown. "He passed away, killed by our enemies. Died as a true shinobi."

I looked down, not knowing what to say anymore. Then, he spoke.

"Kirai..." I looked up, his eyes are sad yet empty. "Itama is a shinobi... He died because he is an enemy to our enemies. And he is a shinobi who ought to kill other shinobi who are against us. That is why he died." He sighed slowly, "Do you know the point of this conversation, Kirai? It is for me to at least change your mind in some way. Though, I know it will not work on you anymore, I just want to tell you the outcome or the result of every shinobi life... You yourself is young and had a chance to grow up, make a family, grow old, and see your grandchildren bear more of your own family. You have a chance to flourish your life into something meaningful and peaceful. I may have repeated this, but I do not understand the reason why you ignored that precious chance. Why did you choose to be in the violence rather than tranquility?"

Because in the violence, there is goodness. And in tranquility, there are worries. And because you, Hashirama, is the good in violence. That is why I want to be with you even when I am in the worst surroundings.

Instead, I replied this. "Because I wanted to... see it myself"

Hashirama's brow furrowed. "You wanted to see war? I will be honest, Kirai-chan. War is not a good sight to see."

I know, I have seen it myself already. I recalled the dead people being carried by their comrades as they made their way into the compound.

"It makes... no matter."

"But it matters to me, Kirai! You are a young girl, do not waste your time being in the worst place possible–"

"But you have agreed." This is my first time cutting Hashirama off in the middle of a conversation. "The deed is... done. You agreed to... make me join. Even your father!" I bit my lower lip, looking down in the ground. "It is... already too late, Hashirama."

He frowned even deeper.

I continued, "You regretted it... I understand. But no more of... this, Hashirama. Give up trying to make me... change my mind." I breathed in and out, calming my nerves. "Because I made... my decision. And you saw and knew that I will... never back down."

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