Chapter 6

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Kirai's POV

"I remembered that cute moment very well. That moment not only holds a significant memory, but it is one considered as the start of my journey." I said, standing up to stretch my body. "Should we train, Yoi?"

Yoi leaped up, excited. "Absolutely, Kirai-sensei."

"Perhaps while we are training, I would tell you more about my story."

She nodded, "Do so, sensei. Though, I do have a question."


"When you said that you considered that very moment as the... start of your journey... what does that mean?" She asks, fixing her ponytail.

My eyes gleamed at the thought. "Ah, so you caught up with the word. How keen of you, Yoi." I chuckled, "Precisely, it is the start of my journey. One that bears knowledge, curiosity, and even determination. Or maybe... not!"

Yoi looked utterly confused. "I still do not understand."

"What I am trying to imply is that the memory gave me a goal. A goal that I accomplished." I rolled my head back to relax the muscle in my neck area, groaning slightly. "And the fact that I still bore that knowledge despite the many years of being bullied, surprised me."

"What was your goal, Kirai-sensei?"

I stopped stretching, trying to process our conversation. "Well, I may have to point out that I have many goals. Some goals of mine failed, but few I had achieved. But what I can only tell you proudly of a goal is this... becoming a shinobi."

Her eyes lit up, "Well... now you are a shinobi yourself."

"Indeed, and now I am going to tell you why I became a kunoichi."


He looked down at me, "What is wrong?"

We were sitting down in a small grassy field, staring at the sun setting. Its orange light slowly disappears in our very eyes. The terrain starts to grow darker every moment, and I begin to hear the low crickets from bushes. But we both did not mind, the sunset is too beautiful to ignore.

"You were... dancing?" I ask, slowly. I do not know the right term of his actions. Earlier, he was doing a strange dance that I cannot seem to comprehend easily. But he was throwing his arms and legs around, and sweating a lot.

Hashirama's brow furrowed, confused. "Me, dancing? I do not understand."

I cleared my throat, trying to describe his previous movements. "You were swinging... your legs and... and f-flying your fist everywhere."

It seems that he understood my point when his mouth gape open. "Oh! I was training, Kirai-chan. It is every shinobi's way to improve themselves in order to fight well and win."

Ah, right... a shinobi.

"I-I see..." I looked down in my hands, wondering if I could do it, too. I imagined myself as Hashirama, dancing in the soft ground with the wind blowing down upon you, sweating profusely, and panting hard. Then, I slowly clenched my hand as if to test the strength in them.

"W-Will I... learn it, too?" I was nervous to ask. I did not look at Hashirama because I grew shy of the question. "Can weak... weak girls become... s-shinobi?"

It was silent, only the winds seemed to whisper an answer. I gulped anxiously, waiting for his response. It took a long time for him to answer, it is a sign that he is seriously thinking about this matter.

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