~The Past~1

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(Author Note: This snail are is in no way mine. This is my first story so I hope you enjoy!)

        "Mother mother! Look at what I caught!" I shouted, running to my small cottage with a brightly colored (f/c) snail in my tiny hands. I move the snail to one hand while I use the other to open the front door, an excited grin on my face. "That's so cool honey! Where did you find it?" she asked. "By the pond! I'm gonna name it (Random Name)!" I shouted jumping around the small main room, taking in every detail of the small creature in my hands. With my jumps there were thumps running around the house, shaking a few objects here and there. When I stopped jumping, the thumps continued. My mother looks down at me confused as I look up at her with the same confused look. That was until she realized the thumps were getting bigger and louder by the second.

       She walks to the window to see what was going on, only to see a giant humanoid creature, looking directly at her while running towards our house. I pull my head up enough to see what she was looking at out the window. "Woah! Momma what's that?" I asked looking at the humanoid get closer. We hear a scream from outside the other end of the house and run over to the door to see what was going on, only to be frozen in our spots by the sight. Our close friend, and neighbor, was picked up by a smaller, but still giant, humanoid creature and ripped in half before being devoured. We both sat there frozen, for what seemed like hours, until my father came and yelled for our attention. "(Y/n)! (Y/m/n)!" He shouted, running down the path to our house, big mistake. The same creature we saw running over here grabbed him with one swoop of its hand. Standing up straight, it tilted its head back and dropped my screaming father into its jaws. "I Love You!" Were the last words I heard from my father. My mother began to tear up as she stared at the sight. Not a second later my mother began screaming and sobbing at the loss of my father.

       Soon enough, this caught the attention of both of the titans we just watched eat our friends and family. I watched her get grabbed by a giant hand as I fell backwards, into the house. "(Y/n)! Run!" She screams at the top of her lungs, before the screams suddenly stop. I knew what that meant and felt the harsh sensation of tears roll down my face. The snail, who I never let go of, was gliding around my hands in a perfect circle.

       I watched it for a second, before the circle formed on my hands, glowing with a (f/c) tint. Then, it all went black. Am I dead? I mean it feels kind of cold like you'd think death would be like...

       I sat in that empty space for what seemed to simply be hours. Singing to myself and finding new and interesting ways to keep myself entertained.

       After a while, I wake up, or that's what it feels like at least. I sit up on a hill full of grass, surrounded by steam, on the edge of a forest. Looking around I see a giant wall far away in the distance. "Huh.. When did that get there?" I ask myself. I hear the familiar sound of giant feet hitting the floor and whip my head around to see one of those creatures running to the wall. I watch as it nears, only to get blown up. "WOAH!" I shout standing up onto my small, unclothed feet. I seemed to be wearing the same outfit I remember "dying" in. Now that I think about that, I guess I'm not dead.

       I start to walk toward the wall, only to be stopped by a giant foot in front of me. I look up to see the same creature that ate my mother looking down at me with a terrifying grin. I shudder as it looks down at me, taking a few steps back. I then run for my life, because my life's on the line, duh. I run straight through the forest, away from the wall and the creature. It chases after me and I duck into a hole inside of a huge tree and hide in there. I sit there for around a day maybe, until I hear the creature stomp off. Waiting a few moments after, to make sure it's safe to go out. After the wait, I step out and look around, only to realize, I am in fact lost.

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