~Shifting Buddies~4

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~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

We reach the field and Erwin tells the cadets that they need to move over a bit . I got a few weird looks, probably cause no one's seen me before. "Whenever you're ready" Erwin informs me. I walk farther into the field and turn back to face them once I was far enough. I gave the four a nod, before opening my mouth slightly and biting down on my tongue, causing a bright yellow lightning strike to engulf me. Many people rushed over, not knowing what was going on. "Commander?! What's going on??!" One of the cadets screams over the loud boom, before the wind and lightning stops and me, in my 20 meters of glory, comes into view.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Someone screams as I stand up to my full height. Erwin takes a good look at my titan form before a familiar voice screams up at me, "DO THE THING!" Hange screams. I look down at her, confused, before finally understanding what she meant, my molten form. I take a few giant steps back, in order to make sure I don't burn anyone near my feet.

~No One's P.O.V~

You concentrate on changing forms as another gust of wind hits the scouts at your feet. They all cover their faces to block it from the flying dirt and dust that surrounded them. A loud huff can be heard from you as you settle into your form. "WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK!?" A loud scream comes as you look down to see the rest of the cadets running over to you all.

Erwin looks up at you, his face, stuck in a form of shock. You looked down at him and gave him a titan(y) smile. A low grumble automatically lets itself out of your throat, not a threatening one though, more of a sort of pur. Some of the grass around your feet burnt, leaving your footprints in the grass. "JUST LOOK AT HER!!! ISN'T SHE WONDERFUL!" Hange screams at Erwin. "I don't have the right words. She is indeed something new" Erwin tried to explain how he felt about this new information. "Uhhh, sir?" A random scout asks Levi. "W-what's going on?" he asks, a little bit of fear in his voice as he looks up at your steaming form. "This is (Y/n) (L/n), a titan shifter we found in the woods on our last exhibition" Levi explains gesturing up to me as I wave down at the people below.

~Eren P.O.V.~

I stare up at the steaming titan in front of me, a ring of burnt grass forming around where her feet were on the field. I noticed she was slightly taller than I was when in titan form but she looks so much taller from down here. I'm so used to being in her position, looking down at the people below me, that I forgot how terrifying it can be to see it from down here. I look at her (h/l), (h/c) hair blowing lightly with the breeze that the wind brought. I never got a good look at her until now, I was either fighting her or fighting the urge to stare at her. But now, I have an excuse to stare! Everyone else is doing it too!

I watch as her bright (e/c) orbs stare down at the cluster of people looking at her in fear. I just looked in awe. Apparently, this caught the eye of Hange, who insisted I shift into my titan form next to her. I reluctantly agree, only cause she's my superior, not like I wanted to stand closer to (Y/n) or anything...

I walk out to my own little space, giving myself room to shift. (Y/n) must not have figured out I can shift too, cause she looks utterly confused. I stand still next to her for a second before biting down on the joint of my thumb, and shifting. I let out a deep exhale when the transformation completes and look over to (Y/n). She sat there looking like a kid in a candy store. Even with a stiff titan face, I can still read her like an open book. She looked at me, practically having stars in her eyes, while letting out a somewhat high pitched titan squeal.

~(Y/n) P.O.V. (Before Eren Shifted)~

I can see Hange urging Eren to do something but between the slight breeze right in my ears, and how far I am from them I can't make out what they were saying. Eren walks over next to me, but a little ways away. I watch him, with an obvious confused look, as he lifts his hand to his mouth and bites down. A bright light appears, the titan that I was fighting earlier popping up next to me. I watch confused, until I realize what's going on. He's Like Me!!! I Look at his titan form amazed that I finally found someone like me. I squeal like I normally would in my human form, but it ends up sounding more like a happy growl. I go back to my regular titan form, giant pieces of my ash-like skin crumbling and falling off of me. I reach over to Eren's face, pinching and pulling like my aunt used to do to me when she would visit us. I open his mouth to look at his exposed teeth, he looks anxious but doesn't push me away or anything so I keep inspecting.

~Hange P.O.V.~

We all watch as the taller female titan, which I've chosen to name the Molten Titan, inspects Eren's titan form, reveling on his exposed teeth. "Why's she so excited?" Connie asks, "Well, she's probably been in the woods for a while, without anyone else, let alone another titan shifter." I explain grabbing one of the fallen ash-like rocks. "Kinda makes you wonder how long she was out there for". My eyes shift over to Erwin who is already looking at me, "You know how much trouble she's gonna cause us with the rest of the regiments? She's probably going to need to go through the same process as Eren did" He says to me, still watching her mess with Eren. "I know, but think about how many experiments I could conduct! And we could probably get further outside of the walls than we did before, seeing as she basically lived out there." I explain, mumbling to myself about all the new experiment opportunities this opens. Sending a few cadets to collect the ash-like pieces for me, I look back up at Eren and (Y/n).

(Y/n) is having the time of her life, comparing heights with Eren, who seemed a bit bummed to be shorter than her. I yell up at them, telling them to get out of their titans. (Y/n) gets out perfectly fine, flipping her hair back as she rips herself out of the titan's nape. Eren, however, still doesn't have the best control, being passed out while Mikasa and Armin cut him out.

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