~A New Friend?~12

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~Present Time, (Y/n) P.O.V.~

When we reach the headquarters, I take in a whiff of the air, the familiar scents making their way to my nose.

They take Eren inside to lay him on his bed till he wakes up. While Hange pulls me away to start experimenting again. Mind you, my limbs are still growing back all I have are small nub looking things.

"Now then, where did we leave off?" She says, the glint in her glasses blinding me. "Actually, is it alright if I take the rest of the day to rest? I still need to regrow my limbs and you won't get your best results if I'm not in peak condition right?" I say trying to convince her. "I suppose you're right..." She hesitantly agrees. Letting out a sigh of relief, I look around for anything that interests me.

Mikasa and Armin are talking a little ways away, might as well join them. Walking over to them I receive a nasty glare from my red scarfed "friend". "O-oh he (Y/n)!" Armin welcomes me happily. "Tsk" Mikasa clicks her tongue, looking me up and down. "Hey Armin, Mikasa!" I respond happily. "Why are you even here?" Mikasa blurts out. "E-eh?" I respond, confused.

"You came out of nowhere, know absolutely nothing, and are completely untrustworthy." Mikasa states, turning to face me directly. "M-Mikasa! Be nice!" Armin tries to step in, but stays back a bit because of Mikasa's scary aura. "U-uh, I'm not sure what you want me to say..." I respond, looking her in the eyes. "You can't be trusted, and you're a threat to us all." She explains, taking an angry step forward. "I mean I thought I proved I wasn't, yknow, cause I haven't killed anyone." I say nonchalantly. "You cause Eren to constantly lose control, and could easily cause us an immense amount of trouble." She explains, getting right up in my face. "I can't control what Eren does! It's not like I want him to lose control! And if I wanted to cause trouble I would have already." I state, pushing her away from me. "And I appreciate personal space, thank you."

Stumbling back a bit, she glares back at me. "Oi, brats. If you're gonna fight, go over there." Levi lazily points to a more open area. Looking back at her, she starts walking over to the area, me following close behind.

Getting into our places, we both get into fighting stances. A medium sized group of people surrounding us, still making sure to give us space. Alright it's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

~No One's P.O.V.~

As you and Mikasa shuffle in a circle for a second, before she launches at you with enough power to knock you out. Luckily, you side step to avoid being beaten into the floor. In one swift motion, she turns back around to kick the side of your head. Ducking, you start to make your move, swiftly punching her abdomen causing her to falter. Now having enough space, you move fast and extend your leg in an attempt to kick her abdomen in the same spot. Much to your misfortune, she avoids it by jumping back. Only to launch towards you once again, managing to land a hit on your thigh.

Flinching a bit, you keep your focus on the scary Ackerman with the scarf. You continue to dodge some more of her attacks, getting closer to the crowd. Though, the group of people seem to know its best to keep their distance from the two of you.

Mikasa sends a quick punch into your left shoulder, you doing the same to hers. Nearly in sync, you both jump back, holding onto your shoulders. Though, you let go faster due to your healing abilities.

The fight goes on, Armin watching nervously from the sidelines, not daring to intervene. "What's going on...?" A familiar voice rings in his ears through the cheers of other people. "O-oh Eren!" Armin yells, getting startled by the sudden hand on his tense shoulder.

Hearing the familiar name through the crowd you lose focus for a split second, giving Mikasa a clean kick to your jaw, sending you off the ground and on your back. Many "oooo"s or "ouch"s could be heard from the crowd. And they were right, it hurt like hell. Getting back up, you use some of your enhanced speed to twist Mikasa's arm behind her and push her down onto the ground.

You won.

~When Eren Walks Out, Eren P.O.V.~

I was informed when I woke up that I had lost control again, but didn't hurt anyone. Hange wouldn't give me the details about what happened though, instead she just said, "You should go ask (Y/n) what happened." With many suspicious giggles alongside the phrase. I was told she was outside so that's where I go, only to see a large cheering crowd a little ways away.

Making my way a little ways through the group, I spot a nervous Armin. Placing my hand on his shoulder I ask, "What's going on...?". "O-oh Eren!" He yells so I can hear him over the loud crowd. Looking over to where he just had his attention, I spot (Y/n) looking over in our general direction, only for her jaw to be hit by Mikasa's leg. Flinching for her I sit confused and somewhat frozen.

(Y/n)'s attention finally returning to the fight, she gets up and darts over, pinning the pissed Mikasa down onto the floor. A cloud of dust covering them from the swift movements.

~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

Letting go of Mikasa, I offer her my hand to help her stand. "Sorry if that hurt, but you did basically dislocate my jaw a second ago." I rub the back of my head, smiling at her. Feeling the warmth of her hand in mine, I help her up and she looks at me blankly. Finally not a glare.

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