~It's The End of The World~15

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~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

The rest of the day after beating Eren and Reiner was relatively boring, just the usual went on really.


Armin explains to us why he thinks Annie is the female titan and we all nod along intently listening to what he had to say. Everything that he explained matched up perfectly with little to no errors, it was just a matter of bringing it up to the higher ups.

Leaving that to them, I go to look around. Stepping outside, I take in a deep breath of the clear air. Only for my peace to be interrupted by a certain woman. "Experiments!?!" Hange excitedly asks while dragging me out to the training area. "I don't have much of a choice now do I?" I sigh as she yells back, "Nope!"

Doing as she instructs, I shift into my titan form to perform tests, we go through all the same ones we did with my human form before she runs off to go do who knows what. I stay put though, as that's what Hange told me to do.

After waiting for around 5 mins, she comes back with Eren in tow. She explains how she wants me to see if I can fight the same way I can in my human form in my titan form. After she finishes, Eren shifts next to me and I pat his head before we start. A crowd seems to have gathered by where Hange stands, a bunch of cadets and scouts waiting in anticipation for us to begin. In the end I ended up winning, as usual, but Hange figured out that my movements are much slower due to my size and I don't pay as much attention to the lower half of my body during fights.

Then, she wanted to see what the limits of what I can burn were. She has the cadets who were standing around grab multiple different objects for me to burn. Burning through all of them easily, we end with her keeping samples of my molten form skin that flakes off.

That ended up being a pretty simple night, but that didn't last forever.

~Time Skip~

Going off of Armin's knowledge, we figured it would be best to lure her into either confessing or showing us that the female titan is in fact her. Armin configures a plan and explains it to us so that we can get Annie to confess.

"Cmon! We need to get to Eren!" I shout while running to the underground cavern that we had the plan set in. "It's just down here!" Armin begins walking down the stairs into the underground tunnels. Then Annie goes on about how she can't go down and that's when Armin confesses why we brought her out here.

After Armin finishes, she lets out a maniacal laugh that sends shivers down my spine. The fear of the people hiding around us setting in. If this goes wrong we could be in deep trouble.

~No One's P.O.V.~

It all happened so fast. One second we were trying to get Annie to tell us it's a misunderstanding, to the next, where she clearly became our enemy. Eren and I were rushed down into the underground as Annie was trying to reach through either end of the tunnel to reach us and pull us out. Running through the tunnels, Annie breaks through the ceiling causing rubble to trap you while the others continue to run away, not realizing that you were stuck.

Your strength not being enough to lift the giant panels of concrete off of you, you try to see if there's any other way out. You would have shifted, but you were still stuck underground and would be crammed into the space and would be immobile. Banging on the wall, you try to gain the attention from someone, anyone who would be willing to help you out of the current situation. But to no avail. No one could hear you through the mound of rubble on top of you.

Huffing and puffing, you sit with you back against a rock. "Looks like it's just me, myself, and I again." You let out a small chuckle in order to stop the anxiety from taking over.

After a while of sitting, hoping someone would find you, the air was thinner and dust was starting to get into your lungs. "It's the end of the world as I know it~" You sing to yourself while nodding your head back and forth. 


Sorry for not posting for like over a month my motivation has been pretty low (which is also why this chapter is short). I also can hardly remember what happens in the anime sometimes. I'll try to post more frequently now though!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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