~Buzz Cut And Pony Tail~5

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~Narrator P.O.V.~

You step off of your titan and look over at Eren and the two people carrying him. "Why's he unconscious?" You ask Hange. "Well, till you came along, we thought he could only come out unconscious." She explains. "Also, how long were you out there for?" Asks Hange as you walk back inside. "Uhhhhhh, 6 years? But to be completely honest I have no clue," you proceed to tell her about the last memory you had before waking up on the hill and being chased. You told her about how you never even heard of the walls before then and how you had never even heard of titans before the incident in your village.

Hange goes quiet before excusing herself to go talk to Erwin. You don't think much of it, going to see if Eren's awake yet.

Meanwhile, Hange tells Erwin and Levi all you had told her. "Do you think it's true?" She questions the two stoic faces. "You've got to be pretty sick to lie about what happened to her." Levi responds, earning a nod from Erwin. "I don't even know how it would be possible for someone to live that long, I mean the titans first appeared over 100 years ago." Erwin comments. "But, she did say that she never even knew the walls were a thing, let alone knew about titans when she was young, there's no way someone wouldn't educate their child about titans," Hange states. "She did say that she only felt as though she was asleep for a few hours ,maybe it was something like a coma?" Hange says, trying to solve the mystery at hand. "But she still would have aged, she would be dead right now if that were the case." Levi states, both looking at Erwin for any input. "I'm not sure, maybe she'll get some memory of anything over time? I can't say, but we need to report her back to wall Sena." Erwin says, Levi and Hange nodding.

Back with you, you were trying to find your way around the labyrinth of halls, in an attempt to find where they put Eren. Getting a few weird looks along the way, until someone runs straight into you, causing you to fly back a bit from impact. "Look what you did, idiot." A man, seeming to be around my age says to the girl that sent my flying. He had a grey buzz cut and isn't super tall but isn't super short either. The girl had brown hair, tied up in a ponytail, and a piece of bread in her mouth. "Are you ok!?" The girl screamed through her bread, holding a hand out to help you up. "Uhh, yeah I'm ok" You respond, taking her hand. "Hey! You're that titan shifter chick!" Buzz cut says, pointing at me. "Uhm is that what they're calling me now?" You rub the back of your neck, sweat dropping. You talk with them and learn that ponytail is Sasha and buzz cut is Connie. "Hey, do you guys know where Eren is? And has he woken up yet?" You ask them as you all walk through the halls. "Oh, he's probably either in his room or the infirmary, and I don't think he's woken up yet." Sasha says, eating more bread. "We can take you there if you want," Connie adds as you nod.

You finally reach a door, that looks exactly like all the rest, and open the door. "I'm not sure how any of you guys get around this place, everywhere looks the same" You sigh, walking into the room which seems to be the infirmary.

Looking around, your eyes land on a bedridden form. He was awake, but just sitting there. "Hey, you ok?" You ask walking over to him, Connie and Sasha leaving to wherever they were going. He just looked over to you blankly. "Uhhh..." You say awkwardly. "OH! Sorry, I was kinda lost in thought" He laughs a little, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, uh, what did you need?" He asks nervously. "Oh I was just wanting to see if you're ok" You give hima closed eye smile. His cheeks flushed with a slight tint of pink, going unnoticed by you, as your eyes were closed.

~Eren P.O.V. (When He Woke Up)~

I wake up like I normally do, in the infirmary. The sun shining directly in my eyes because of where the bed is placed. I lay here for a while before I start thinking about what I heard her and Hange talking about earlier. She was out there for at least 6 years? How'd she survive? Does she know how she became a titan shifter? She described how she didn't even know what the walls were, or titans before getting stuck in the woods for years. Does that mean there's parts of the world outside the walls without titans? I absorbed myself in these thoughts, thinking about where she came from and what she told Hange.

"Uhhh..." I hear a familiar voice say to my right. "OH! Sorry, I was kinda lost in thought" I say. She scared the crap outta me. When did she even get in here? "So, uh, what did you need?" I nervously ask. "Oh I was just wanting to know if you're ok" She gave me the cutest closed eye smile I've ever seen. I can feel a blush rise to my cheeks as I stare at her. "Oh, yeah I'm doing good. This usually happens when I shift, does it not to you?" I ask. She doesn't seem to be fatigued or anything, she must've woken up hella fast. "Oh um, well I'm not usually passed out when I exit my titan" She laughs as I gasp. "REALLY!?" I shout, startling her a bit. "Oh, sorry, I've just never met another shifter" I laugh a bit. "It's ok, I understand. I was the one fascinated by your titan form not too long ago." She explains with a shrug and yet another cute smile.

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