~Widdle Wegs~6

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~(Y/n) P.O.V. (Later that night)~

Eren and I continue to talk for who knows how long, but when we finally take our attention elsewhere, we realize that it's dark outside. Hange takes me down to the "room" I'll be staying in. In reality, it was a cell. She said that it was because the authorities in wall Sina, whatever the hell that is, says that they need to take this precaution to ensure that they feel safe. I go along with it, as it's still a bed, which I haven't seen in a LONG time. She excuses herself after telling the guards it was fine for me to not have the chains on.

I lay there, having some small chat with the guards for a while before falling asleep. I lay in my slumber, soon the memory of the last day in my village pops into my head. The screams abruptly stopping when killed, the red stained walls lining each house. Time seems to speed forward as I'm able to see my younger self lying unconscious on the floor. "Hey! Get Up!" I yell trying to wake her up before she gets eaten, as I wouldn't really like watching my younger self die. She doesn't move, but the (F/c) snail slithers away from the body, faster than I've ever seen a snail move. The younger me lays there motionless, before being struck by a familiar blast of lightning. I watch, eyes wide, as my titan takes her place. It isn't how it looks now though, it looks smaller. The (H/c) hair is shorter than it is now and the features on the titan look more youthful, if that's possible for a titan. It was also shorter, around 8-10 meters instead of my usual 20. I watch as she stands up, looking around before she completely ignores the scared villagers who were running from other titans. She walks out of the village and I go to follow her only to be stopped by someone shaking me awake.

"Hey! Brat! Get Up" I hear the voice of a familiar short man. Opening my eyes, I realize he's shaking me awake with his foot. "Y'know you could just use your hands, it wouldn't be so much stress on your 'widdle wegs'" I tease him before darting out of my cell, him hot on my trail. I can't remember where I am so I take random turns around the halls jumping over and dodging people who I pass. I eventually see a familiar brunette walking, to where I assume was the mess hall. I hop over his head and duck in front of him, peaking over his shoulder to keep track of Levi. "YOU GODDAMN BRAT! GET BACK HERE!" His screams could be heard a little ways down the hall. "U-uhm" I hear Eren say. His voice sounded right next to my ear, probably because it was, as I was leaning on his shoulder. I give him a shushing motion, before Levi comes darting toward us.

~Eren's P.O.V. (When He Wakes Up)~

I do my usual morning routine, get up, get dressed, and meet Mikasa and Armin on the way to breakfast. We walk until Mikasa speaks up, "I don't trust her..." She claims, fidgeting with her scarf. "Trust who?" Armin questions. "The new girl, the one we found on the expedition" She says while staring off into her own world. "Oh you mean (Y/n)" Armin exclaims. "Yeah..." She responds. "Don't you think it's kind of strange how she just lived out there for years, no help, since she was, what? 10?! Meanwhile we can barely make it past the forest with half of our troops still alive" She explains as Armin nods, analyzing (Y/n)'s situation. "Well I heard her talking-" I begin to say before stopping, feeling a weight on my shoulders. The two look over at me confused on why I had stopped talking and walking, only to see the very girl we had just been talking about huddling in my shadow and peaking over my shoulder.

I hear an angry Captain Levi charging down the hallways, no doubt, hunting (Y/n) down. Armin and Mikasa look at me confused as I give them the same confused look back. "U-uhm" I say to her. Levi sounds pissed, and a LOT closer now. I hear her giggle over my shoulder as I turn my head and see a pissed Levi RIGHT THERE. He tackles me, full force, making my topple on top of (Y/n). I hear a screech as we fall, panicking, I block the back of her head so it doesn't hit the floor while putting my arm out so I don't headbutt her. I can hear Levi groan, a little further down the hall. "Pfft-" I hear a laugh from below me. She bursts out in a fit of laughter, nearly in tears. God, that's adorable... I watch as she grips her stomach from laughing too hard.

~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

My stomach starts to hurt from my hysterical laughing, as Levi stomps over to me. "You Little-," He tries to scold me but Hange steps in the way. "There's My Titan Friends!" She yells at us, earning a groan from Levi. "Hi, Hange!" I brightly wave at her. "Today! We begin experiments! While we wait for the superiors in wall Sena to respond." She explains, dragging me out of the building. "Can I get breakfast first?" I ask, nearly tripping over myself as we stop in the training field. "No time! Who knows how long I've got to experiment!" She screams in response. I sigh, my stomach growling and Hange going on about what she wants me to do.

First, she wanted to test my skills in my human form. She tested my strength by making me lift multiple different objects. "Wow! And you aren't struggling at all?!" She screams, the shine in her glasses blinding me. I lift up a boulder that weighs around 250lbs on my shoulders. Next, she wants to test my speed, so she has me race a horse. I'm slightly slower than the horse at what she said was around 44 mph. Next she tested how flexible I am, she had me go into multiple different poses that made me look like a living pretzel. She, along with a few others, were highly impressed with my abilities.

"Now! Time to run tests on your titan form!" Hange exclaims, nearly shaking from excitement. "Hange! Wall Sena reported back, they want to do the same process as we did with Eren. We need to head out soon" Levi yells, scowling at me. "Dammit, we were just getting to the fun part too!" Hange stomps off. The same process as Eren? I'll have to ask him about it when I see him. At that very moment, it was like I summoned him, cause he came out through the doors into the field, most likely to workout.

"Eren!" I yell, running over to him. "Huh? Oh hey (Y/n)!" He waves over to me. I reach him a lot faster than he expected because of my speed. "Woah! You're like REALLY fast!" He exclaims excitedly. "Hehe, OH! I almost forgot!" I say. "Levi said something about wall Sena responding and me going through the same process as you, the only thing is that no one explained to me what process you went through." I question, his face goes from his usual happy look to a more serious look.

~Eren P.O.V.~

As soon as she said that, I remembered how Levi had to pummel me in order to show them that I was harmless and trustworthy. Just the thought of someone doing that to her makes my blood boil inside of me. Wait, why? I only just met her not even a week ago, why am I so worried about her? It's probably just cause she's like me, a titan shifter, yeah that's it. "Uhhhh Eren? Hello? Anyone Home?" I hear her say, looking over I see her waving a hand in front of my face. "Oh, sorry just spaced out for a second." I laugh a little, rubbing the back of my neck. "Yeah, so they just put me through a trial where the other regiments voice their opinions on the matter." I put it simply. "Sounds complicated..." She mumbles to herself. Oh yeah, she's been alone since she was young, it would make sense she doesn't completely understand what a trial is.

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