~Custody goes to...~8

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(Art Is Not Mine)

~No One's P.O.V.~

The bullet flies through the air as a mix of gasps and screams and heard for your sake. You stand there, not reacting when the bullet hits. Silence fills the room once more as you stand there, unphased. The next thing heard is a dripping noise, most assumed it was blood, while the people in front of you stood, frozen with a mix of fear and shock. You had melted the bullet.

The melted bullet was what was dripping onto the floor, the metal running down your body from where the bullet would have hit, right in the center of your chest. Looking directly into the soldier's eyes you flash him a terrifyingly innocent smile again. This time he collapses to his knees from the fear your smile brought him.

He is escorted out of the room, whilst you sit back down against the pole, smiling sweetly like nothing has happened. "A-anyway, I've come to my decision." The judge announces to everyone in the room. "Nice, I just hope this recent incident didn't affect your choice in any way" You smile up at him. "I assure you, it did not. I saw very well what happened. Thank you for not engaging in an argument, or fight with him, Ms.(L/n)."He thanks and I nod with a smile.

"I have chosen to put Ms.(L/n) under the custody of the Military Police." He states, as a collective "WHAT?!" can be heard from all areas of the courtroom. "Sir, if you would please explain your reasoning?" I heard Erwin calmly ask. "Gladly, I chose to do this because I feel it would be the best fit for her. In which I mean, they would be able to handle her best." He explains.

"Sir, if you think being able to handle her is an issue, I assure you there is no issue in the scouts that prevent us from handling her properly." Levi states. "I have no doubt that the scouts can't handle her, my concern is control." The judge responds. "I will have the Military Police run tests and make sure she has absolute control, then, and only then, will I allow her to join the scouts. The last thing we need is another titan going out of control and attacking the already small scout regiment." He explains. "Uh, sir? Would it not be more dangerous to have her with the Military Police? She would be inside the walls, closer to more people." Armin asks, everyone wanting more answers. "That is why I will have a team of the Military Police taking her out further away from people to run tests" He calmly states.

"We don't need the scouts getting distracted from their explorations in further expansions, and keeping us all safe." The judge shuffles his papers into a neater pile. "Ms.(L/n) I will have a Military Police captain escort you to the place you will stay until they are ready to leave." The judge says, standing up out of his chair. You nod, still shocked from his decision.

~Eren P.O.V.~

No, I don't want her to leave with the Military Police.... I stare daggers at the judge as he walks out through the door across the room from me. What if they actually manage to shoot her? What if they treat her like a monster? Why didn't he just let her come with us?! My fists ball up watching a random Military Police captain lead her away for who knows how long.

"What the hell kind of logic was that?!" I hear Sasha scream, a little ways away from me. "We Dealt With Eren While Maintaining Our Duties! We Could Do It With Her Too!!" Connie adds on. "Come on guys, we need to focus on our work, not a girl we found in the woods" Mikasa states, walking off to our horses. "How can she be so harsh?" Jean watches her walk off. "I mean, she did say that she didn't trust (Y/n) multiple times" Armin adds into the conversation as we all nod, knowing he was right.

~(Y/n) P.O.V.~

I was led to the cellars of the Military Police's Headquarters and put into one of the cells, which I sadly have to share. "What're you in for?" The elderly woman asks me once the man leaves. "In for?" I question. "Yeah, like what'd you do 'wrong' to get in here," a younger man says putting quotations around "wrong". "U-uh I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. Got any examples?" I ask. "Uh, well I fell in front of an officer because another officer stole my cane, they put me in here for 'blocking the way of Military police business'" The old lady states. "I got in here because I wouldn't give an officer a discount at my bar." The man sighs as I look at them, utterly confused. "But those aren't crimes...?" I say furrowing my brows.

"They don't care, they put you in here if you don't do what they want" A woman from another cell says. Wait what? People do that? I guess a lot has changed since I last saw a community... But what's the point of putting people in here for false reasons? I sit there contemplating while staring at the dark stone wall. Standing up, I grip the bars. "Pleading for them to let you out isn-" The man says before I interrupt him by bending the bars enough for myself to fit through. I start to bend them back before the man yells, "HEY! Let us out too!" He yells at me when I finish putting the bars back. "Sorry, I'll get you out of here, just not illegally" I say putting my finger over my mouth in a shushing motion.

I race around the unfamiliar halls, looking for the judge that dealt with my trial earlier. Making random turns everywhere I dash around, getting weird and concerned looks from people I pass. Yes, this may be embarrassing, but I can't leave those people in there for useless reasons.

Turning another corner I bump into a tall man, who looks quite young, with an ugly bowl cut, a pretty girl with short hair, and a blonde girl with a very stern look on her face. "Sorry," I say, running off again.

~No One's P.O.V.~

"Who was that?" Hitch asks Marlowe. "Wasn't that the girl who just got put into our custody?" Marlowe says, obviously knowing it is. "So what?" Hitch says, about to walk off. "So?! She's Supposed To Be In A Cell!!!" Marlowe yells, running after you, Hitch following behind him and Annie walking off on her own.

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