"Oh trust me, I know all about that night"

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"So you fell asleep on his couch?"

I nodded shyly at Lydia's question.

"And you didn't hook up with him?"

"Not even a kiss" I mumbled.

I was so embarrassed, I woke up the next morning on his couch and left straight away.

I was far too embarrassed to see him in the morning.

I wanted to sleep with him or at least make out but I was tired and I knew it wouldn't have lasted long.

The thought of me falling asleep during sex makes me want to die.

"So you basically just had a sleepover with him?" She laughed.

"Yeah I guess" we didn't even sleep in the same bed so it technically was.

"Well one the plus side, Kaykay went back to Ashtons and"-

"Wait seriously?" This was so good for her. We were all waiting till the day it happened.

"Yup, she phoned me right afterwards and told me literally everything" I'm so happy for her. At least something good came out of it.

"What about you and that Matthew guy?" I asked her, I was curious ever since Calum pointed out the two of them making out on Ashtons armchair.

"Oh well we hooked up but that was it" this surprised, I know Lydia doesn't usually do that but there's nothing wrong with it.

"Oh I meant to tell you, it's Ashtons birthday soon and he having another party, Kaykay is obviously going and Ashton asked if you wanted to go, he thinks your cool. Plus you might get the opportunity to try it with Calum again" I looked at her from across her bedroom.

She was taking her makeup off in the mirror.

I was staying at hers for the night since I haven't seen her since Ashtons party a few weeks ago.

"Ashton wants me there?"

I was hoping that was the case and not Calum asking him to invite me.

I could've bare facing him again. I'm too embarrassed and honestly it's probably for the best we never hooked up anyways.

I don't what good it done but everything happens for a reason I guess.

"Yes oh my God, he thinks your cool, all the boys do. So yes Ashton wants you to be there" Lydia said spinning round on her vanity chair to look at me.

"Are you going?" I wouldn't go if Lydia wasn't going to be there, I couldn't third wheel with Kaykay and Ashton and I knew I needed someone to talk to.

"I wasn't invited, I don't know Ashton that well and I never made an effort to get to know him but Kaykay asked him and he was fine with it" thank fuck for that then.

"Okay fine. I'll go" I sighed knowing what I was getting myself into.


I thought I knew what I was getting myself into, but I wasn't prepared for the amount of nerves that were raving through me.

We were walking up to Ashtons front door, there was already a lot of people outside smoking.

I was walking up with Kaykay and Lydia, they both looked excited, especially Kaykay.

I on the other hand was almost shaking, I knew if I had a drink I'd calm down a bit.

We made our way through the front doors and as soon as we were through it didn't take long before we seen Ashton and he came over to meet us.

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