"Talk to me"

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"Hi" I mumbled as the front door opened.

I looked up at them. 

It'd been weeks since I seen them.

I missed them.

And I know they'd be the right person to talk to about shit.

There was no point in making small talk, I came here for one reason and that was to apologise and ask for help, we'll two reasons if you count that I really wanted to see this person.

"I'm so sorry, I've been an absolute bitch to everyone and I've taken everything for granted, I know I don't"-

I was cut off by them pulling me into a hug. A hug I so desperately needed.

"Come on" I let them pull me into their living room, another room I've missed having parties in and being with everyone.

I sat on their couch, my knee bouncing with how scared and nervous I was.

"Okay, Dani, I know how hard it is to feel the way you're feeling. Trust me, I went through it. My life went to shit and all I done was smoke and drink thinking that would solve everything. It didn't. It just made everything worse. I too was scared of asking for help, I thought it make me weaker. I realise now, looking back, that actually it made me brave. After I got the help I needed and I spoke to people, it made a big difference. I don't think I could be happier right now. So let me help you, I promise you can talk to me. You have nothing to embarrassed about, I'm never going to judge you. I'm always going to be here for you"

I smiled and a tear fell down my face which I quickly wiped off.

At least I can cry.

Now I know I'm not fully numb.

They placed a hand on my knee and smiled which made me feel more comfortable.

"Talk to me"

And so I did.

I sat for 3 hours talking with them and we ended up watching shit on TV.

After we talked, I calmed down and decided I was gonna make things right with my life. I felt a lot better.

We ordered in a Chinese and I stayed the night.

I slept on their couch and within 30 of my head hitting the pillow I fell asleep, I haven't slept in weeks.

I knew talking would help everything.

I knew I could trust them.

I appreciate them so much.

I appreciate Ashton so much.

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