"damn a girl kisses calum hood and doesnt know how to act"

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"Who's the whore?" Lydia whispered to me as we watched Calum and the girl walk into the living room.
"Her names Jade, I've met her before when I was here a few weeks ago, she's an old friend of Ashtons but apparently her and Calum now have a thing" Kaykay simply explained to us.
Fuck. It shouldn't bother me as much as it is, I've said before me and Calum are not a thing and we never were.
"I don't like her" Lydia said sharply.
"You've never met her"
"I don't care Kaykay, Dani and Calum are supposed to"-
"No, we're not" I shot back to Lydia. I knew Lydia and a few others in the group were routing for me and Calum but we both didn't want it. I don't want it. I do not want to hook up with Calum.
"We can't go back into the living room, if she's gonna be in there all over him I will slap her" Lydia was in full bitch mode now and I know it'll take her a lot to get out of it.
"Don't be petty, come one it's Ashtons birthday and I want to spend time with him. I'm not going to not spend the night with him just because you've suddenly decided you don't like someone who hasn't done anything wrong to you" Kaykay snapped and walked back into the living room.
"Oh for fuck sake, let's just get this over with" I grab Lydias hand and run to catch up with Kaykay.
When we walked back into the room I sat with Seirra and Lydia knowing I could distract myself with some girl talk. Kaykay was sitting with Ashton and beside them on the couch was Michael and Luke. Crystal moved to come sit with the girls and Calum was on an armchair with Jade on his lap. I haven't made eye contact with him yet nor do I plan on it. I've not looked in his direction yet either but I could see Lydia staring them down.
"Are yous all good?" Ashton asked about the situation that happened earlier with me and Kaykay.
"Of course, there was just a twist of words and just a bit of a white lie but we're great" Kaykay explained.
"Good good" Ashton smiled as he kissed Kaykays forhead.
"Hey Calum, come sit with the guys and let Jade go introduce herself to the girls" Michael said knowing it was going to start shit. I would be fine to sit and talk to her and pretend to listen to what she had to say but I know Lydia was not going to let that happen.
I looked over in Calums direction as he whispered something in her ear causing her to giggle and come sit with us. I felt on edge. My eyes didn't leave him as he went over and sat with Luke. I didn't even notice but Luke was staring at staring at Calum. He had this look on his face as if I was doing something illegal and he knew I was going to get in trouble. I broke eye contact with him and turned to Jade who had sat on the coffee table edge across from us. Kaykay came over to join us knowing that she needed to keep Lydia calm.
"Heyyyy" Seirra smiled breaking the the gigantic iceberg.
"Hi" she smiled quickly before taking a sip of her drink.
"So you're Calum's girlfriend huh?" Lydia immediately asked.
"Sleeping with someone on many occasions doesn't make you a couple" she said without even looking at us. She was so confident it made me even more insecure.
"Oh so you've slept with him?" Lydias eyes were burning into Jade.
"Are you kidding me, of course I have, just look at him and tell me he's not someone you'd want to just fuck till the morning" this time her eyes landed on me and I suddenly felt really hot.
"No, I have a boyfriend" Kaykay replied softly.
"Well I know Sierra and Crystal are loved up, but I take it you're Ashtons new bitch?" Kaykays face dropped and I felt Lydia tense next to me.
"What did you just call her" Lydia was now leaning forward closer to her and her hands were in a tense fist.
"Honey relax, I was just wondering if she's the girl Ash is banging" and that's when Lydia snapped.
"I suggest you stop right there, they are in love and not just fucking unlike you wth that dickhead over there. So before you say another thing about the two of them have a think about who you're sitting with and who you're talking to okay. Honey" everyone's jaw dropped and the boys were now looking at us. Kaykay looked really embarrassed and almost like she was about to cry. Crystal and Seirra were silent as was I. Ashton looked over to me with a concerned look and I gestured for him to come get Kaykay.
He walked over and took her hand and led her outside, the rest of boys came over to see what just happened.
"Have we witnessed the start of a bitch fight?" Luke joked. As soon as he came over Sierra took his hand and forced him out the door. Michael clearly was interested in what was going on but Crystal looked like she wanted to leave. He sighed and the left the room. Leaving me with Lydia Jade and Calum. I got up to leave when the bitch finally spoke to me.
"Leaving so soon?" I turned round to look at her in the eye for the first time, I didn't want to have a conversation with her, especially in-front of Calum.
"Yeah I'm gonna get another drink" I simply said.
"Are you sure, cause it seems like you've already had a few. And we don't want you falling asleep again" my blood was boiling. Of course she knew. It took every bit of me not to physically fight with her. Lydia was going red with anger.
"Get me another Dani" Lydia said without taking her eyes off of Jade.
"Wanna get me one too" Calum asked me whilst putting his arms around Jade. It was the first time he spoke to me tonight. In weeks. Since that night.
"What do you want" I was trying to play this cool. I am laid back and not bothered by this situation whatsoever.
"Fuck you, get it yourself" Lydia hissed.
"Do you mind not being such a cow?" Jade rolled her eyes in a more sexual way than a pissed off way.
I couldn't stay in this room with them. I got up and left without Calum telling me what he wanted to drink. I wasn't going to make him one, I wanted Lydia to stop talking to Jade and we can go sit with KayKay and Ashton. I was standing in the kitchen leaning against the island in the middle trying to stop myself from going back in and slapping Jade.
"You not getting me a drink then" I looked up to see Calum pouring tequila into two shot glasses.
I didn't answer him. I just waited till he left with the two shots and did them Jade.
"Here" he handed me one of the glasses over. Confused, I took the glass from his hands and cheersed with him before downing it. I put it down on the island and leaned on the counter behind me.
"How've you been?"
"Fine" please don't start small talk with me.
"Just fine?" What does he want from me.
"What do you want?"
"A conversation, not seen you in a while. Since you got up and left my apartment without saying anything"
"Didn't have anything to say" I need to go find Kaykay.
I could see he looked rather pissed from what I'd said. I was in a bad mood now and he wasn't helping. Either was the fact that Jade was walking towards me and Calum.
"Did you get me a drink baby?" She asked rubbing Calum's arm.
"I did not" he said simply.
"Well gonna go get me one" she demanded. I rolled my eyes at her comment. She was annoying me so much.
"Sup with you?" She stared at me.
"Where's Lydia" I asked avoiding her question.
"Probably away somewhere with some guy. That whore was pissing me off back there"
"Don't call her a whore" I said without looking at her.
"Are you going to threaten me, who are you anyways. Oh wait. Calum? Isn't 𝑠ℎ𝑒 the one that passed out on your couch after obsessing over Ashton?" Her sarcastic petty tone was making me red with anger.
I looked at Calum who was starting to get annoyed with her too.
"Jade please" he said trying to calm her down.
"What are you gonna do if I don't, are gonna punish me daddy" the second hand embarrassment caused me to laugh at her comment. I could tell Calum was cringed out by it too.
"Something funny?"
"Not at all" I said still chuckling. I could see Calum in the corner of my eye looking at me from his leaning stance against the counter across from me.
"Then stop laughing" who does she think she is.
"Jade just calm down a bit" Calum tried to stop her from whatever she was trying to do by handing her a drink. She took a sip then grabbed his neck and placed a sloppy kiss on his lips. I looked away feeling awkward, uncomfortable and sick.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good tonight" she said through ugly looking kisses. I could tell he wasn't kissing back. I almost spat out my drink at how funny her attempt at trying to make me jealous was.
"Is there a problem" she let go of Calum and walked towards me.
"I've already said there isn't"
"So why are you laughing, stop fucking laughing"
"Damn, a girl kisses  Calum Hood and doesn't know how to act" my comment made Calum try hood back his laugh.
"At least I got one" she hissed.
"Jade please stop" Calum butted in this time less calmly.
"You know it surprises me, a girl like you not being into PDA" she stepped closer to me.
"What do you mean a girl like me?"

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