"save water bathe with a friend"

137 6 9

I turned my head so quickly to look at him I think I could've broke it. My face reddened.

He's just told the driver to drop us both off at his place.

I can't calm the butterflies down.

To be honest I was just so tired, I couldn't just sleep at his though. So much of a one night stand that'd be.

I wasn't going to play dumb, I knew we'd hook up tonight. It's been on my mind all night.

Wether or not it'll actually happen I have no idea, but I knew it wouldn't be long before I found out.

"Thanks man, keep the change" Calum handed the driver money over before opening the door and holding his hand out for me to slide along and get out the car.

"You didn't have to pay for me"

"A thanks would be enough" he said walking past me and over to the private lane leading to his house.

It was a thin path going between two houses, it wasn't as dark anymore as the sun was starting to come up.

I let him lead me through the thin path between the two walls by hand.

I felt more force in the way he was leading me through the alleyway, it more was like he was dragging me.

"You're going to pull my arm off if you keep dragging me" I complained.

"I need to keep in mind your not a fast walker" he wasn't slowing down and it was annoying me.

"Not all of us are over 6 foot Calum" I said practically running behind him. I heard chuckled but he still wasn't slowing down.

"Jeez can you stop for at least a second?" I felt him come to a stop which caused me to almost crash into him.

"Thank god" I said whilst trying to catch my breath, I should've known he was a fast walker with the length of his legs. I'm not super small but I'm not a giant. I'm 5"7 at best, which isn't small but compared to Calum, I'm tiny.

I was going to start walking again but when I looked up he was nowhere to be seen. Fuck.

"And you say Ashtons the childish one?" I started walking towards what looked like the end of the alley.

My problem here is I have know idea what one is his house, so I need to find him.

"Calum stop being a dick" I was cold, my clothes wjere still wet and I was starting to chitter.

There was still no answer and I was starting to get annoyed.

"K I'll phone a cab for myself, nice meeting you" I started walking back the way I can when I felt myself get pushed up against the wall behind me I let out a gasp.

"Fuck me" he terrified me.

"You're not going anywhere"

"Where did you go?"

"I was across from you the whole time, you just didn't use them pretty eyes of yours well enough" he teased.

I looked up at him, we were inches apart, although our faces were a good distance due to the height difference. I looked him straight in the eyes, his beautiful eyes. I was so lost in them I hadn't realised he was leaning in. He moved his head down so he was at the perfect angle for a kiss, he brought his hands to my waist pushing against the wall even more.

I brought my hands up around his neck and let them go through his hair, that was enough to send him into full 'I'm horny and you are going to help me tonight' mode.

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