Honey & Stars

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There is only one moon, even though Jupiter has several. But there are a gazillion of stars, like so freaking many. And, its so like us humans. We are too many. Secondly, we're made out of stardust so that's a connection as well.
The thing is, I absolutely am in love with stars. The reason I love stars more than the moon is simple really. Every single day we don't see the same star as tonight but we do see the same moon even though it is changing it's shape. The stars are always twinkling no matter how far or not they are. Its really just comforting to look up and be like ,"oh at least the stars are looking at me right now".
Because some days the moon isn't up there and it's just feels lonely sometimes. Only to look up and find that there is infact someone, is such a relief.
And, its magical to look at the moon, like there are days when its red and blue and golden and so close to the Earth; But stars are just always there consistently. No matter the ups and the downs and storms, they're just there like they always are in their original state without any change in their appearance, until one day when they die.
And that's why I'm telling you about "honey and stars". Because the people meant for you are just like that. And will stay like that, without any major changes. They will always be the same person you met and love. And simply because sugar is poisonous.

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