Is this Love?

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Do you feel hurt looking at someone you care for being hurt? Do you suddenly cry because they are? Do you feel like everything that hurts them is somehow your fault?
People told me that it's love. Maybe it is. I wouldn't know. But isn't love supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows? Isn't it supposed to be where you support them?
Why then , do we end up thinking that we are at fault if they are hurt? Why do "we" try to justify their pain by taking it on our conscience when it was their choice?
I had tears in my eyes today for the same reason. And I've been wondering why I was making it about me when it clearly wasn't my fault they are sad. But, I couldn't shake it away. I felt hurt when they pushed me away. I felt hurt when tears filled their eyes. But for some unknown reason I felt guilt gnaw on me as if stating it's my fault. As if I was the reason they aren't happy.
Is this love?

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