Hope? Pt-3

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   I'm still in my castle. I don't know how long it's been. But I know one thing now. No one is coming. Coming to save me. No one can help me out of here.
   Am I that bad? Is that the reason no one's here to rescue me? Don't all of us have guardians? Or, is it just another myth?
   I don't know anymore. But I can't just sit here and mope. Now that there's no way out, maybe I should stop throwing a pity party. No point in waiting for my knight to arrive. I should look around and try to find my own happiness.
   I stumble upon a garden. But, strangely it's dead. I feel heavy dread in my stomach. Why do I feel so much despair? I have never even seen it before. Was it always here?
   As I wander deeper, my stomach drops lower. The garden is completely withered. I make a resolve right there to bring it to it's original state.
   As I took care of the garden, I didn't realize months had gone by. I didn't notice the slight changes in me, neither in my surroundings.
   The castle looked brighter now. It's filled with the aroma of the flora. It doesn't seem dreadful. The height that once seemed too intimidating when I looked down, doesn't look scary anymore. The ground looks much nearer.
   I don't notice years passing as I involve myself in beautifying the whole castle and taking care of the garden. Lots of rooms I never knew of. Lots of grounds left undiscovered.
   I didn't notice that the sun had risen. I didn't notice that I wasn't waiting on a knight anymore. I didn't notice that the once monstrous looking castle looked friendly. It looked lively.
   I didn't notice that for the first time in so long I was smiling looking at the roses blooming and the birds chirping happily. For the first time in so long, I was filled with hope.
    Now that I look back I realize, I didn't need any knight. I didn't need someone else to hurt me. I didn't need someone else to make me happy, to give me hope. I am my own knight. My hope.
  I could leave whenever I wanted, I just unknowingly trapped myself thinking it's going to hurt.
   I am not scared anymore. I can wander through the forest too. There are still monsters out there but I'm not afraid of them anymore. I can save myself. I can leave the castle whenever I want, but I will always return. It's my home.
   It's not perfect. It has cob webs and still rooms to be discovered. The days are sometimes gloomy accompanied with thunderstorms. But the sun always rises. Hope is always restored. The garden is back to its original state. Maybe even better.

   Like the sun rises and the sun sets

 A new day will come and eventually  end

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