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  People often say that greed is bad. Don't be too greedy. Your greed will eventually get you in trouble. But, doesn't everything have two sides? The good and the bad? Then, why do we always say that "Greed is Evil"?
   They are not subjective. They are relative - Emotions are. There is always two sides, two effects, two points of view. It's only that we've been taught of only one. Rather, look at only one.
   Love is said to be a positive emotion. Rage is seen as negative. Then, why do people tell us to put our anger to a good cause? Love is not really a positive emotion. Similarly, rage isn't negative.
   Think of it like this. Let's suppose, Love is on a number line. If you move towards the positive axis, you are happy and love everyone. You are innocent and lively. But, towards the extreme right, you become obsessive. You lose sense of everything. You feel negative.
   Likewise, if you move towards the left away from the neutral, you see everything without love. You feel everyone is out to get you. The more you move towards the left, you lose hope and become depressed.
   Do you see it now? Every emotion is neutral. It depends on how much or how little you feel. How shallow or deep you think.
   Greed is not evil. Atleast, I don't think so. Greed is good till I know when to draw the line. Everything in access is poison, isn't it?
  People told me I was greedy too. But, greed can be good if it pushes you to work harder, if it burns your passion. Don't let it turn into lust. Don't lose sight of the clear. Be mindful of the fog.

   You are your mind. 'You' control 'your' emotions. You are stronger than your emotions. Never let them push you into submission ,else you will be trapped with no sense of anything. Your emotions will make a monster out of you that even you won't recognize. It'll be harder to find your way out of this maze.

The Truth UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora