Hope? Pt- 2

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  Walls are great. Need colour? Paint them. Maybe add some decorations and frames.
  My walls are great too. Like, every other wall, mine were also made from bricks and stones. Not anymore though. My walls are now made of something stronger than them. Something unbreakable.
  In order to protect myself from every other person, I built walls that are high. I didn't build them that way intentionally. Everytime I would get hurt because of someone's actions or words, a floor would be added. And my walls would only get stronger.
   At first everything was great. I wouldn't get hurt and if I did, my walls got stronger making me think I was safe. How foolish of me!
   I live in a sky castle - a castle so high that it reaches the sky. Too high for anyone to climb. No doors. No windows. No way to break in.
  There is still a secret passage though. A passage which allows exit only. It's a called a secret passage of exit not because only I know of it. It's called that, due to the fact that everyone in my life knows about it, except me.
  I thought the walls were great. Didn't know that in the process of protecting myself ,I'll also trap myself. Didn't know that the forest surrounding the castle would be filled with evil monsters. Didn't know that the sun would set.
  But, doesn't the sun rise every morning? Doesn't a new day come after every night? So when will the sun rise?
   How ironic that even the owner of the castle can't break it. How did it get to this? Weren't my walls great? Don't damsels in distress have their knights? Where is mine? Is he unable to enter too?
  The castle I live in is too high. No entry. No exit. I can escape by jumping out of the only window in my room. But, I won't survive the fall.
   I'm alive here. I have people in my castle who love me and if they wish to leave they know their way out. I don't get hurt this way.
   Why am I still unhappy though? Why is it bothering me that I can't leave my castle? Isn't it amazing that I will never be hurt here? Then why do I wish to see the unrisen sun? Why do I wish to wander the forest which was once filled with joy and was pure? Why do I need things that only made me unhappy to be happy?
   Is all hope lost now?

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