Mere Words?

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Do you stay true to your words? Always stand by what you say? So do you fulfill your promises or are they mere words?
My opinion on promise might be a lot different than yours. I think a promise can only be fulfilled if you trust the person who makes it. This is because you know the kind of person they are. You know if their words hold integrity, if their words are sincere.
A promise is only a promise if the words are trusted. If you don't trust the words of that person, they're mere words as no one awaits it's fulfilment.
You might wonder now, why wait? Reminisce to the last time someone made a promise to you. Didn't you wait for them to fulfill it? Didn't you long for the day when the promise would finally come true?
This is simply why I don't believe in promises. You never know what kind of situation arises hindering you from keeping your promise. And since, they have emotional value, if you don't keep it or forget about it, the person who waits is left pained.
You might think 'I can keep it. What's the big deal?' But you can't. And then, you would make excuses as to why you couldn't. Degrading your words of promise as well as your relationship with the person.
Don't make promises if you aren't 100% sure that you can keep it. Promises give hope to the other person. And since that person will keep waiting, they'll be hurt when they're not fulfilled. That's why promises are sacred. That's why you need to be careful while making them, 'IF' you're making them. Better yet, "promise me no promises".

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