Do 'You' understand?

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   You know that feeling where,no matter how hard you try to explain yourself no one gets you? No matter how many times you try to tell them your true feelings they just seem to not get it? Trust me, they don't. And they never will.
    Unless they are in the same situation as you, they will never understand. They can act like they do but they don't. And sometimes it's so frustrating letting them see into your heart and yet again, starting from square one.
     Don't explain it. You think once you let your feelings out and let them know they'll perhaps understand. And when they don't, you end up hurt. This doesn't mean close yourself up. No. The thing with letting people see into your heart is that people might actually not be that compassionate about it. Not considerate enough to understand. Not everyone is like this but most are.
    People unconciously let their own heart come before considering anyone else's. They think about their stress over other's ;so when you explain to them your side they only find faults in you.
   This happens often. You suffer during this fiasco because you think they never understand. You're right. They don't. So what should you do? Whose fault is this? Who gets hurt more than the other?
     It's no one's fault. People put themselves over everybody else. They think one sidedly - their own side. Because that's the only point of view they know. The only part of the story that they know completely.
    The key ,here, is if you decide to let them see inside you, then let them see clearly. Don't hide any part of it. Give them the whole story because only then will their vision be clear. Instead of a blur rough idea they'll have a clear picture.
     You will sometimes feel that the person is not listening to you at all. Stop right there then. If you feel the person is not ready to listen, then don't bother with them. Why should you? They're not interested in the first place. But, if for you that person is someone worthy, someone important, then make them listen to you. Trying once won't hurt,right? Besides, you can always decide otherwise. What do you think?

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