Hanamiya x Mother! Reader

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(F/n)'s POV

I sighed wearily as I stopped my car at the red traffic light, then glancing in the rear view mirror to my scowling son in the backseat, a bandage on his cheek.

"Makoto, how many times are you going to get into fights at school?" I asked. "This is the third time since September." I had gotten a phone call from the school saying Hanamiya had gotten into a fight during lunch and I had to pick him up.

He just growled, his arms crossed over his chest. For a ten year old boy he did have a lot of anger. It worried me sometimes, and my husband too. How did our child end up with so much hatred in his heart? It broke mine seeing him like this and no matter what I did he never changed his cruel ways.

The light turned green and I hit the gas and took a left.

"It's not my fault other kids are stupid," Hanamiya spat with so much malice I almost shuddered. "They were looking for a fight and I gave it to them!"

"Fighting isn't tolerated at school," I said. "You should know this by now. What if you or that boy got seriously hurt?"

"Like that idiot would hurt me," he sneered.

"Makoto," I said sternly, but I didn't have anything else to say, already drained from the conversation. All of the talks before hadn't worked on him. Why would this one? I didn't want to admit it but I was starting to give up on Hanamiya changing for the good. He's my son and I want to be there for him, but he was making it hard to give him the right guidance.

The rest of the car ride was silent. When I finally pulled into our driveway, Hanamiya was already unbuckling his seatbelt and he slammed the door behind him after getting out. I grabbed my things and followed after him, shutting my car door gently before locking it.

Hanamiya disappeared into his bedroom so I started to cook dinner early to distract me. My husband came home a few hours later. I was reading a book when he came in and I greeted him warmly.

"How was work?"

"Fine," he replied. "Makoto?" He looked at me in concern. I had sent him a text about what happened earlier.

"In his room," I said, and couldn't help sighing. "Like always."

"He'll learn to be better when he's older," my husband said, but all I could do was shake my head, unsure of anything at the moment.

"I hope so. Come on, get washed up. Dinner's ready."

I called for Hanamiya and the three of us sat down to eat. After the plates were cleared away and washed, I turned to my husband and my son. "I'm going out," I announced to them.

"The hell?" Hanamiya furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Stay safe," my husband said. Thankfully he was understanding that sometimes I needed some alone time to get myself together. No point in bringing the family down with even more negative energy.

I didn't answer Hanamiya's question and instead told him, "If you need anything you can ask your father."

"I don't need anything from that old man!" He retorted.

"If you say so," I replied wearily.

I bent down and kissed his forehead, to which he wrinkled his nose in an almost disgusted expression. I straightened up and my husband and I shared one last glance and then I walked out of the house and shut the door behind me, car keys and phone in hand.

Hanamiya's POV

After my mom left, my dad told me it was time for bed. "I know it is," I snapped at him, and while I was brushing my teeth, I glared at my reflection in the mirror. Where was my mom going so late? And why? By the time I was in my pajamas I still didn't have an answer, and for once I fell into a restless sleep.

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