thank u <3

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hello everyone! after re-reading my book fully i decided it has come to an end. there is really nothing else i can say/do for the book unless you guys would like a spin-off?

idk what it would be abt but you guys can gladly leave ideas!

i've kinda fallen out of love with david as well so i have lost motivation so i do believe it is time for this book to go.

i wanna thank you all so much for the success and the reads on this book. i'm so so so grateful for all of your comments and stuff. it means a lot getting feedback on my work.

thank you all so much for making the book so much more than just a silly little random thought i had to make the book. it means so so so much.

don't be afraid to message me or reach out n talk to me! my dms are always open <333

and with that being said, the book is now complete.

locked out of heaven | david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now