chapter 54

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Zayn wiped his tears immediately but he couldn't stop his hiccup. Zayn was looking too much vulnerable,weak and his lanky body couldn't move at all as he had no strength right now. Anyone could tell that he had cried a lot by seeing his puffy, swelling red eyes. He couldn't stop his crying but he was trying his best not to but  warm tears were continuously rolling down from his eyes and at last he ended with weeping. His hiccups was not stopping. He was trying his best but was not stopping. As it was not stopping,he took a pillow and covered his face with that, hope it works but it didn't as a result he started to curse himself ,which caught Harry's eyes,he rolled his eyes at Zayn annoyingly and walked to the door. He opened the door and saw Louis was there with a grinning in his face, tray on his hands. There were some fruits in a plate might be apple and oranges, and a knife too, usually for chopping

" What happened? Why you are disturbing me?"Harry yelled at Louis

"I thought you people are hungry that's why I bring some fruits. And . " Louis replied but he was interrupted with Zayn's hiccups and weeping sound. Louis widen his eyes and ran into the room.

" Hey Zayn why you are crying? Oh my God. What happened?"Louis said as he kept the tray on the nightstand and sat beside Zayn. He cupped Zayn's cheek which was red, obviously marks of scars which was produced by Harry.  Zayn didn't say anything, he started to cry, he tried a lot not to cry but he ended up with crying and he started to shake. He was trying to say but he couldn't as he was crying a lot.

" ZAYNIE why are you crying. Tell me? . Don't cry please." Louis trying to sushed him. He engulfed Zayn with a hug and started to rub his back. He was feeling pity for this lonely, weak young boy.

And Harry,his anger was fuming inside him. He broke the hug by grabbing Zayn's arm and slapped him once more which made Zayn to laid in the bed. Louis eyes widen by seeing this unmanly act.

" Harry what are you doing? Have you gone crazy? " Louis growled at Harry as he shoved him and started to helping Zayn to sit properly.

" He deserves that. Can't you see what he had done to me? I loved him but what he is doing? He just left me alone. He broke me and broke my heart. And he is continuously saying that RAY IS MY BOYFRIEND. I hate lies okay? So don't be dare to lie. "Harry growled at Louis by pointing his index to Zayn. Zayn was crying more.

"But that doesn't mean that you can do anything with him. What happened to you Harry? Why you are becoming like Ray? Come here" Louis yelled as he grabbed Harry out of the room by leaving Zayn alone, crying.

"Louis where are you taking me. Stop" Harry said as he shoved Louis. Louis was about to fall but he managed himself.

" Harry try to understand please. You can't be so harsh to Zayn. Okay? As you know Ray is a monster. How can he be Zayn's boyfriend? Do you really think Ray loves him? Don't you have any common sense." Louis said

"Are you going to teach me now? Huh? Who are you? Fucking bastard" Harry growled at Louis. Louis was shocked by seeing like this way. Harry's word broke his heart and tears were about to fall but he hold it.
Louis knew well that Harry is ill-tempered so he is used to of Harry's words and language. But this time he physically hurting Zayn which is unbearable for Louis. Harry shouldn't do that.

" Look Harry I know you are angry now but we need to take this situation calmly. You can't get Zayn by hurting him. He is already in too much pain. Please try to understand" Louis said in a soft tune as he kept his hand in Harry's shoulder.

" Stop your nonsense. I don't want to hear anything. Any way I have already done my work." Harry said with a slight smirked which made Louis confused.

" What have you done?"Louis asked with a confusion as he raised his eye brow. Harry didn't say anything he just smiled

" Any way I am feeling sleepy. I didn't sleep at all. Ugh I am going to sleep now"Harry said as he began to yawning.

"But Harry don't hurt him please. He is already in pain. Please don't be like Ray."Louis pleaded. Harry didn't say anything,he huffed and headed to the room, Louis was following him.

Zayn was still holding his cheek, wounded cheek and started to rub it. Tears were rolling from his eyes. He was blubbering and he couldn't breathe more. He was feeling suffocated. He used to think Harry loved him but now he realized that he does not love him anymore which made him to cry more.But he felt that he loves him. ' Why he will not? Obviously he do. And the blame is mine. I know he still do'. Zayn thought, still crying. He wanted to go far from Harry but Harry will never let this happen .So Zayn has no choice now but to die
And now he have no reason to live. He didn't want to live in this cruel world. He looked around and saw a knife in the tray which was kept by Louis before. He wiped his tears and stood up. He took the knife in his hand . He wanted to kill himself or else he will never be able to be far from Harry. He was doing all this only to protect Harry from Ray. But Harry is not understanding anything.


Zayn heard a loud harsh voice which made him to flinch. He turned around and saw Harry was there, Louis too. He gulped and He tried to hide the knife behind his hand. But Harry's eyes couldn't escape. Harry angrily rushed towards Zayn. He took the knife from his hand and threw it in the bed.

" What are you going to do? Have you gone mad? Louis look how crazy he is. Where should I go with this maniac, crazy guy? "Harry yelled as he started to rub his temple. Louis didn't expected that Zayn will do this type of cheap act. Now he started to realize that what Harry is doing is right. He couldn't let Zayn to die.

"Okay Harry I understand but first you need to calm down"Louis tried to calm Harry

"How Louis how? This crazy boy is not giving me peace for a moment"Harry growled pointing at Zayn. He grasped Zayn's arm tightly,made him wince

"And you. You already made me crazy. How can you do this? What should I do to you?" Harry growled at Zayn's face while he was jerking him, tears were continuously rolling from Zayn's eyes. He couldn't say anything now. It was like he has lost his words.

"Louis go from here." Harry said sternly.

" But Harry.."

" I told you to go. Now" Harry yelled looking at Louis, still holding tight grip on Zayn's arm. Zayn gave Harry a pleading look but Harry was ignoring him and tightening his grip. Zayn was squirming in Harry's strong grip.

"Fine. But Harry please for God sake don't be harsh to him." Louis said and headed to the door.

" We will see" Harry said giving Zayn a scary look which made Zayn to gulp

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