chapter 32

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Harry walked towards the door and opened it where Zayn was behind him, trying to hide behind Harry's broad shoulder, squeezingly closed his eyes because he didn't want to see Ray. " Hi Harry" Zayn heard a voice of female.  He opened his eyes and peeped from Harry's back. He saw a blonde girl whose face is like Harry, but she had straight hair. She had dimple just like Harry as she was smirking. She wore a black blouse and tight pant. "Hello Gem." Harry smiled and hugged her which made Zayn to release his hand from Harry's back. " Long time no see Harry" Gemma said as he walked into the home. Gemma turned around to Harry and saw there a guy behind him who looked so tiny, sick and there was dark circles under his eyes but he was looking so soft and weak. Gemma could see his perfect cheekbones and big golden eyes. " Harry who is he behind you?" Gemma frowned as she was coming towards Harry. Zayn was hiding behind Harry and squeezing Harry's shirt behind him. " He.. he is Zayn " Harry stammered as he pulled Zayn from behind.
" Hel.. hello"  Zayn stammered as he was shrunken. " Hello but I don't know you". Gemma confused. "Umm actually Gemma he.... He.." Harry started to clear his throat as he was rubbing his temple. Zayn was hiding behind Harry again. Gemma noticed that he was hiding. "why are you stammering? Tell me who is he?"Gemma rolled her eyes to Harry. " He is my boyfriend", Harry stated straightly. " What" Gemma frowned and walked toward Zayn. As Gemma was moving toward him, he began to hide slowly behind Harry.
" Gemm listen. I can explain you" . Harry stated as he hold Zayn. Harry got afraid as Zayn. Zayn didn't know what to do as Gemma was moving toward him. He gulped. He was still having headache. Gemma didn't know that Harry was gay. She thought that Harry was bisexual. She couldn't believe that he would make boyfriend instead of girlfriend. Any way she was not homophobic.  Gemma began to laugh. " Harry your boyfriend is so handsome. But I think he is little afraid now." Gemma stated as she smirked. Harry got confused. He thought Gemma would never accept him. He thought Gemma would freak on him , she would yell on him, but she didn't. Gemma saw Harry was gulping. " You got scared Harry. Relax I am not homophobic. Don't you know your sis? " Gemma smiled. Oh then she is Harry's sister. Zayn wondered. " Hi Zayn I am Gemma Harry's elder sister" Gemma said as he shook her hand with him. She could see that he was weak as he was shaking his hand slowly. " Hello. Nice...nice to meet you" Zayn stammered. " Aww Harry you got such a cute boyfriend." Gemma pouted on Harry which made Harry to smile. " How you are tolerating this ill-tempered man?" Gemma mocked. Zayn smiled and stared at Harry.
" What do you mean I am ill-tempered Gemm?"Harry frowned. "Yes you are and rude as well."Gemma stated as she was smiling. "Little bit"Zayn added . "Not at all. I am not"Harry said as he rubbed his hair. "Zayn are you okay? Why you are looking so sick?" Gemma said worriedly.
" Yes he is. He got fever. He needs rest now. So you can go" Harry said as he wrapped his arm around Zayn's waist. Zayn smiled as he poked Harry's chest with his elbow. " This is so rude Harry. How can you forget your sis? You know that I worked in private medical center. So I am doctor too." Gemma pouted. Gemma worked in private medical center in Florida. " Yes I know you are a quack doctor. Don't mind her she is a drama queen" Harry said to Zayn in a teasing way which made Zayn to smile. " What did you say?" Gemma shouted as she was moving toward Harry. Harry started to run. "Help me God. This witch is going to kill me" Harry teased as he was running toward the room. " How dare you to call me a witch? " Gemma said angrily as she was throwing cushion to Harry. Zayn was watching them and smiling. He felt depressed that he doesn't have any family or sister like him . He is all alone only Harry is in his side.  Suddenly Zayn felt that his vision was going blurry and he collapsed to the floor.
"Zayn" Harry shouted worriedly as he saw Zayn to fall in the floor. Gemma turned around to see.
" Oh my God Zayn"Gemma screamed. Harry ran to Zayn quickly and sat beside him. He kept Zayn's head on his lap. " Zaynie open your eyes babe. look Harry is here. Babe open your eyes." Harry cried as he was patted Zayn's face . Gemma ran to the dining table. She poured a glass of water and came to Zayn quickly. " Harry sprinkle this water in his face" Gemma said as she was handing Harry the glass.  Harry took the glass and sprinkle some water in Zayn's face which made Zayn's eyes fluttered open.
" Zayn babe . Are you okay? Open your eyes babe." Harry cried. Zayn only nodded. " Harry took him to the bedroom." Gemma ordered Harry. He took Zayn on his arms and started to walk. He walked up to the stairs and reached to his room. Gemma was following him . Harry laid Zayn down to the bed and sat beside him. Zayn was whimpering as he got headache. " Zayn you will be fine relax babe. " Harry worriedly said as he kissed Zayn's forehead. " Let me call the doctor" Harry said as whipped the phone from his pocket. He called Dr. Robert.
" Hello"Harry heard from the other side of the phone.
" Hello doctor Zayn's health is getting worse. Can you please come in my home quickly?"Harry cried.
" Ok dear. I am coming" Dr. Robert said as he hanged the phone. He was sitting on a sofa. Looked very depressed and was looking downward. As he looked up he saw Ray was smiling devishly at him. He didn't know what to do. "What should I do now?" He asked poorly. Ray gritted his teeth."Haven't I told you before?"
"Yeah. You had." Dr. Robert sighed.
"Then do the very thing that you did at the last time."Ray shouted.
" I am a doctor you know this. Even then you are doing this sort of nasty things by me. I can't do this." Dr. Robert stated.
"You know the best why you are doing all these according to me. Just do as I say otherwise it won't take me a minute to destroy your family" Ray shouted.
When Ray was in New York, Alex called him and said that Zayn disobeyed him by going outside. Harry took him outside.

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