chapter 23

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Harry's phone rang which made Harry to wake up from his sleep and he became annoyed. He rubbed his eyes and took the phone from  the bedside table by extending his hand. He saw Ray called him. When he was about to go he realized that Zayn was still in his chest,sleeping peacefully. He slowly pulled him and laid him in the pillow. He rubbed his hair with his hand. And walked out of the room. He received the call. " Hello" Harry slowly said.
" Hey HARRY. How are you? "
" Fine"
" What Zayn is doing?"
" Umm . Zayn ... Zayn is sleeping now"
" Ohh. Already my work has completed. I think I will be back soon."
What. Harry gulped. What if he will come and took Zayn away from me. How can Zayn live without me? He needs me. And I need him too. Harry wondered as he was rubbing his temple
" Ok. But take your time. I am here. You don't have to worry" Harry told him.
" What happened Harry?. I thought you want to get away from this work. But now I think you are enjoying it. "
" Actually" Harry stammered
"Don't worry. I will come back soon. Bye."
"Ok" Harry huffed.


Zayn's eyes flattered open. He noticed that Harry was not with him. He tried to sit and then he realized that he was not in his home. It was a new place. Zayn got scared. " Harry" Zayn began to scream. Harry heard that and ran toward him quickly. " Harry where have you been?" Zayn's lip tremble. Harry came toward him and sat beside him. " I am here Zaynie. What happened? " Harry rubbed Zayn's cheek smoothly. " Where am I ? " Zayn asked as he was looking around the room.
" Umm actually it is my room. You are in my home now." Harry looked down to him. Zayn looked around the room and he noticed that it was too much messy, books were scattered in the floor. And clothes were hanging in the chair,some clothes were in the floor. A totally messy room. Harry got embarrassed and started to chewing his lower lip.
" Harry . Wow I am in your home now. " Zayn became excited as he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck. "But don't you think it is little grimy" "yes" . Zayn began to laugh. " Oh my God Harry, you never cleaned your room" Zayn burst out in laugh.  " Yeah, yeah. I can see" Harry hummed. " Harry you are so messy like your curly hair" Zayn laughed. Harry hovering over his body and pinned him down with his wrist. Zayn stopped his laughing. He looked into Harry's gorgeous green eyes.
" Now laugh. Let me see how you laughed" Harry began to tickle him which make Zayn to toss around the bed. " Harry stop. " Zayn laughed as he couldn't resist him. " Harry it hurts". Harry stopped and looked down to Zayn. He bent  down his head to Zayn and pressed his lip against Zayn's. It was such a force kiss that Zayn couldn't get air to breath. Harry pulled his face by his hand. Zayn could feel the beautiful and amazing taste of Harry. Zayn kissed him back. When they finished kiss Harry slowly moved his lip to Zayn's neck, below his ear and his lingered in his neck. He smoothly nibble the flesh of his neck and started to lick the flesh of his neck for couple of times which make Zayn to moan. Zayn moaned slowly as Harry was licking his neck produce a hickey in his neck. A small smile developed in Zayn's face. Harry lifted up his face from Zayn's neck and roaming his face. " Let's take shower together"Harry proposed. Zayn nodded. Harry got up from the bed. But Zayn couldn't move as his ass was hurt. Harry realized it. He wrapped his hand around Zayn's  arm and carried him. Zayn wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder. Harry carried him to the bathroom. He opened the door of the bathroom and went into it. He pulled Zayn down and locked the door behind him . He turned on the shower and tugging Zayn's finger to let him in. His hair became damp and fallen to the forehead. Harry slowly pulled out Zayn's shirt and then he pulled his shirt too. Zayn could see his beautiful broad muscular chest. Harry cupped Zayn's cheek and slowly pushed him against the wall. He slowly put his face on Zayn's neck and started to nuzzle. His curly hair were brushing on Zayn's face which make him little tickle. Harry started to nibble the flesh of his neck where he had gave him the hickey. Zayn closed his eyes as water was falling to them. Zayn couldn't stop his chuckled


They came out from the shower. As Zayn covered himself with a white towel. Harry already dressed up. He guided Zayn out side the bathroom. And made him sat on the edge of the bed. Suddenly somthing came to Zayn's mind. " Harry."
"Hmm" Harry nodded as he was about to go towards  his wardrobe
" Did you bring my clothes?"
" Oh no " Harry rubbed his temple
" So what I am going to wear now" Zayn became confused
" Stay as you are now" Harry mocked him as he poked his cheek. Zayn blushed.
" This is not fair Harry. I need my clothes." Zayn pouted. Zayn began to shiver . Harry noticed him as he walked to the wardrobe and pulled out some of his clothes.
" You can wear them if you like" Harry teased. Those clothes were not fit for Zayn. Those were so big. Zayn took a shirt and roaming it. " Harry your clothes are so big. " Zayn pouted. " Yes it is " Harry smiled. " But you can wear them " Harry began to laugh. " Harry I am serious" Zayn told him as he pricked Harry's arm. " Oh my God look he is being serious. " Harry teased.
" Ok I am going to wear this. I can't stay in this way" Zayn huffed, picked some clothes. " Let me help you to wear them"
" No need" Zayn rolled his eyes
" I will " Harry growled as he took the clothes. Zayn couldn't do  anything except obeying. "Ok'" Zayn rolled his eyes. Harry smiled and tried to get his clothes on Zayn. Harry was roaming on Zayn's face. Zayn was looking more smaller on Harry's clothes. His hands were disappeared under the large sleeves. He slowly walked to the mirror. " Harry I am looking so tiny in your clothes" Harry came to Zayn and wrapped his arms around his waist from his back.
" You are looking so cute in my dress" Harry whispered in Zayn's ear. Zayn started to blush. " It is not necessary to blush all the time" Harry teased as he was looking to the mirror. Zayn poked him by his elbow and smiled. Harry carried him in his arm quickly. " C'mon let's make breakfast together." Harry smiled as he kissed Zayn's cheek. Zayn blushed and digged his head on Harry's broad chest.

Hi guys. I love this chapter. I really want it in reality 😭😭. I hope you will love this chapter

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