chapter 42

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Ray and Louis were sitting whimsically in the couch of the guest room. They were holding  glasses of beer though Louis didn't want to be with Ray, he is doing this so that Harry could do his work.
"Louis I want to reveal something. Hear me out carefully." Ray looked to Louis. Louis jumped up. What else  is this goofy going to tell me?Louis murmured. He giggled a little as Ray couldn't catch their scheme yet. 
"Did you say anything, Louis?"
" I was just wondering that uuh what you might tell me." Louis  babbled.
"Oh that's the matter. By the way I just wanna say that Zayn is not my boyfriend rather he is my slave." Ray said in a very harsh voice. I know this why he is saying this to me now?. Oh I am happy as I stultify him. Louis wondered.
"Why you aren't saying anything?Ray snubbed.
"Uh...umm I am so sorry for this." Louis didn't know what to say.
"Sorry!!! what type of sorry matter this is that you are sorry." Ray yelled. Louis frightened up. Is he queering the situation. He had to gossip with even if he didn't want so.
"No.. I mean I'm sorry for Zayn." Louis gulped.
" now you are caring for Zayn so much. Sometimes your work compelled me to doubt you. Are you hiding something from me?"
"No what will I hide from you. I mean I never needed to hide anything." Louis sighed.
"Never think so even. You know my ability and capability." Ray yelped.
"Yeah sure. I mean never. I'll hide nothing. So stay calm and don't be so furious. You scared me." Louis huffed.
"It's good to scare from me. By the way another important matter. Again I want you to hear me out carefully." Ray said.
"Yeah full attention. Tell me." Louis tried to smile.
"I'm going to sell Zayn to a great merchant as a sex slave."
Louis's eyes fluttered open. His glass fall down from his hand all on a sudden as he was shocked.
"Sorry for this I didn't want to do this. But why you will do this?"Louis stammered as he was trying to clean the mess.
"Nobody does any question to me so why you will do? I'm going to New York tomorrow along with Zayn. There I'll sell him." Ray smiled.
"I don't have anything to say. But when is your flight?" Louis uttered.
"Tomorrow at 10:00 pm. If you want to meet me then you can come to see off us in the airport." "Yeah I'll obviously come." Louis said.
"I want no mistake from you. You know what I mean."
Louis knew that by mistake he meant Harry.
"No don't worry. No you won't get any mistake from my part."
Louis said.
Suddenly Ray's phone rang up. He put out his phone. He kept his phone on his ear.
"Yeah" Ray said the person  over the phone. After sometime his face grimaced. Then he said
"No problem. I'll hire someone else." Ray said and he cut the phone.
Louis was interested to know who called him and said what.
"If you don't mind may I.." Louis couldn't complete his words. Ray interrupted him."I want a chef as that stupid Robby want to quit  his work. Can you give a chef?" Ray said.
"Oh yeah, obviously I'll give you. Don't worry" Louis smiled.
"I don't want anyone like that Harry. So be careful about my choice." Ray snubbed.
You will not get someone like Harry rather you'll get Harry. Louis murmured.
"I think you just said something, right?" Ray confusingly said.
"No I didn't say anything I was just.. you know uh.. nothing." Louis gulped.
"It's okay send him or her or whoever Tonight. Understood?"
"Yes I'll don't worry."


Harry was stroking Zayn's hair as he took his hand and placed a soft kiss in his knuckle which made Zayn to smile. Harry almost forgot why he had come here that he had to save Zayn and to take him. When Harry was about to stand the box fell in the floor where Harry brought food for Zayn which created a huge noise that echoed around the home. Harry quickly lifted the box up.
" Harry I know is that you. Please go Harry from here now or else Ray will come. He will kill you. Go" Zayn shouted as he was crying. 'How can zayn recognize me so easily?Ugh!' Harry wondered but he didn't pay attention to his words. He swiftly tried to open cuffed of Zayn but he couldn't which made Zayn to whimpered as he was getting hurt.
'shit this cuffed need key' Harry wondered as he was continuously tugging the cuffed to free Zayn
" Harry go from here please" Zayn begged.


Suddenly Ray heard a noise. He understood that it has come from Zayn's room so he stood up. " How sound can come from Zayn's room. " Ray frowned.
"It must be Zayn. He might have dropped something. Let's take our drink. Don't waste your time." Louis said as he was drinking so hardly out of fear. He knew well Harry must has done something stupid. Why he's still in Zayn's room. I thought he has done his work. Such a stupid.
"No it is not Zayn. He can't do this ." Ray yelled.
"Don't be so aggressive. Why can't he do this. You are too much, Ray." Louis tried to smile.
"Don't teach me. He is cuffed and the key is with me. He can't even move and dropping something is far cry." Ray yelled.
What!!! Zayn is cuffed. Oh shit then Harry had gone there for nothing. Louis wondered.
" I have to go and check. I know something went wrong." Ray was about to got up but Louis stopped him.
"Don't worry. Nothing is wrong. Let me make another drink for you. You sit right there you are." Louis said and he got up. He moved to the table where there was the bottle of wine. He took it and turned back to Ray but there was no one present there. Louis's eyes fluttered open. Where did Ray go? He must have to text Harry as soon as possible. He put out his phone and texted Harry. 'It would be great if Harry saw my message otherwise we are both gonna be in a very big trouble'.Louis wondered.

A beep sound came from Harry's phone which was in his pocket. He pulled out the phone and saw Louis texted him
Ray is coming to Zayn's room.
'No way he shouldn't come here now. What should I do?' Harry wondered as he was tugging the cuffed. They heard a footsteps was coming towards the room.

"Go from here Harry. I know it must be Ray" Zayn screamed which made Harry scared. He quickly came toward Zayn and placed a kiss in his forehead and caressing his cheek which made Zayn to smile.' I know you can handle everything. I love you so much Zaynie.' Harry wondered as he jumped out of window. Zayn just wished if he could see Harry again but as he was blindfolded he couldn't see him which hurt Zayn most.

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