chapter 10

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I want to meet with that lad

Louis checked his message and whipped his phone to the pocket. He knew well why he got scared from Ray. Ray was in popular gangster before until he got the business of slave. Sometimes doubt came to his mind either Zayn is his slave or boyfriend. Any way he walked out from his room and headed to Harry. He saw Harry was sleeping so peacefully. Everyone knows that Harry got mad if someone interrupted in his sleep. But Louis had to called him. He tried to awaken him by shaking his shoulder. Harry clattered." Hey Harry we have to go" Louis yelled by giving him a jerk." Will you keep quiet?. You fuck Louis". Harry shouted on Louis's face. " Oh God Harry please try to understand. He is calling us. He wants to meet you. So be ready soon please. " Harry got up and rubbed his hair by his hand. "Ok" Harry got irritated. He really didn't like to wake up from his peaceful sleep. Any way he got up.


"So where are we going" Harry questioned him while he was focussing in his drive. Louis sat on passenger seat. "Turn left Harry". Car was running smoothly. Harry noticed that they were in the way to airport. " Hey why we are going to airport?" Harry raised his eyebrows. " It's the time of Ray's flight. So it is better to meet him in airport. " Louis stopped. "Ok" Harry tuned. Harry stopped the car. They got up from the car and began to find Ray. And sudden Louis saw Ray. "There he is " Louis pointed him by his index. Harry turned back to see him. He saw that man with coat and jeans looked so professional. His jaw clenched when he saw him. He is that guy who is always hang out with Zayn. He is his boyfriend. And I have to do dominating Zayn. No way. Harry wondered. Ray noticed and came
forward to them. "hi Louis. Meet me with him" Ray told by shaking his hand with Louis. " He is . Harry....Harry styles. " Ray turned aside to see him. He was staring at him. " Louis i thought you will give me a thin and tiny like you. But he is muscular and look so powerful. I am impressed. " Ray slightly smile. But Harry could not stop staring at him. Zayn is his boyfriend. He still can't believe it. "Ok then Harry I hope Louis told you all the things that how you have to treat my boyfriend. Actually he is little bit stubborn. I hope you can handle him. But always keep me informed what he is doing" Harry nodded but anger were still showing in his face. He wanted to give him a punch for treating Zayn like this way. But he stopped and controlled himself. "I will take care of him" Harry told straightly. "No Harry please not with love because you know he is not a boy who should be treated with love. He is a stubborn foolish and wicked". Harry's jaw clenched so hard. Louis was shocked too. Louis is sure now that Zayn is not his boyfriend. He is slave more than his boyfriend. Louis also knew that Ray always do business of slave. His father told him once. Harry was about to give him a punch at that time a man called Ray from his back because he was getting late. " Ok bye Louis bye Harry. I am getting late now." Ray walked up but he turned back to meet Harry. " Oh Harry I will pay you after coming back." " I don't need any money" Ray could see the anger in Harry's face. "Louis i think your friend has short tempered" Ray devishly smiled and turned around to go. Louis huffed. " Louis take me to his home" Harry still staring at Ray disgustingly. Louis looked his side " of course "

moonstruck love Zarryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें