chapter 44

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This chapter is dedicated to Deena_Sidix
Ray walked toward Zayn who was looking so vulnerable, weak and he was continuously whimpering as his bruises were burning which made Ray furious.
"I will gag you if you don't shut your fuck mouth " Ray growled but Zayn didn't stop because he was in so much pain that he wasn't able to focus on anything. Anger was fuming inside Ray so hee came toward Zayn and slapped him violently which made Zayn to wince. Zayn was crying as he couldn't tolerate his pain. He never thought that Ray will be back and he has to leave Harry. Crying sound was coming from Zayn's mouth so Ray gagged him with a tape which was in nightstand table.
"I want to play with you babe. Shouldn't I make some fun with you?" Ray said with devishly smiled in Zayn's ear which made Zayn to flinch out of fear and he became extremely scared. He felt more paranoid. He didn't have strength to bear anything now.


Louis and Harry were sitting in the couch. They were at Harry's house. Harry was so angry that he was looking like a savage creature. Louis stroked his head twice with his palm and turned to Harry.
"I didn't expect that this would happen. I thought you would take Zayn along with you but you failed. You cannot do a single work. Such a goofy you are!"
"Shut up Louis. Stop your blathering. I've been hearing you for so long. So not anymore. And yeah coming to Zayn, he was cuffed and I needed the key. But that was not with me. If you knew that Ray had that key you could at least text me. You are good for nothing."
"Oh really. We were both about to die. Actually the blame is mine. I shouldn't help you." Louis rolled his eyes.
"For God sake keep quiet. I am thinking what can be done. And I don't need your help." Harry was looking down. He was so aggressive.
"What have you thought?" Louis asked.
"Nothing yet. You know I'm not good in making plans. Still knowing the truth you don't want to help me. That's okay."
"I helped you. But you dismissed our plan. And now you are making scene out of no reason." Louis sighed and stop for a while then he said "You don't have to think anything." Louis smiled which made Harry's face lightened up.
"Oh that means you want to help me?" Harry's eyes wide opened.
" I've got a plan. Do you wanna hear?" Louis shrugged. Harry went close to Louis and gave him a hug.
"Thanks Louis for always being with me." Harry almost cried.
"Stop crying now. We have to do a lot of things. And yeah don't embarrass me anymore." Louis stroke Harry's shoulder.
"So tell me your plan." Harry was so excited to hear his plan. He couldn't save Zayn this time. But he promised to himself that the next time he will take Zayn for sure.
"Listen to me attentively. You have to disguise." Louis said cautiously. He didn't know how to tell Harry but he had to.
"Yeah I got it I have to disguise. Okay then what?" Harry was hearing attentively. He didn't want to miss a single word from Louis.
"Okay you have to disguise." Louis again said foolishly.
"Yeah, disguise then." Harry said curiously.
"Then disguise." Louis again said.
"I understand that I've to disguise. Will you tell me the next?" Harry shouted.
"Yeah I'm telling you. Don't be so tempered."
"Louis I swear I'm gonna kill you if you do dilly dally anymore. You are testing my patience." Harry became techy.
"Okay you have to do an impersonation of chef." Louis said.
"That's not a big deal. But how will I disguise?" Harry said in an ardor manner.
"Come with me." Louis got up.
"Where to?" Harry frowned.
"I've prepared everything. You just have to take them up." Louis smiled.
Louis and Harry started to walk. Harry was aimlessly following Louis cause he knew that he had to obey Louis for a while. Louis stopped at the entrance of guest room.
"Now I'm gonna open the door." Louis said.
"I can see. No need to do any formality." Harry rolled his eyes.
Louis opened the door. The got inside the room.

Harry was looking at himself in the mirror. He was not looking nice. He was making faces. He wore a fake skin. And straighted his hair. His curly locks were no more. He didn't like that.
"Louis can't I try anything else. I am not looking cool in this look." Harry said.
"No one is gonna look at your beauty. Do as I say." Louis said busily as he was choosing a suitable dress for Harry.
"Louis I'm serious." Harry said.
"Ok then I'm serious too."
"Louis I want you to heard me. I don't want this look."
"Okay then put off your skin." Louis sighed.
"What do you mean? Then what should I try?"
"I'll ask Liam to disguise as a chef. I'm sure he won't reject."jested Louis.
"Liam!!! No way. I'm gonna save Zayn not anyone else. So don't drag anyone between me and Zayn." Harry yelped.
"That means you're ready to go like this." Louis smirked.
"Yeah I'm ready." Harry said with a new vigour.
"Check out these dresses." Louis wanted Harry to chose his dress by him or else he had convince Harry again for the dress.
"Yeah lemme check."

Sorry for late update. I hope you will love this chapter
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