chapter 64

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Harry was not getting what was happening, with him. Where is Zayn? Why he fled away again? He was blaming himself for letting zayn be alone in the bathroom. He wished if he would not let zayn alone.

Harry was looking down and walked to Liam's home, where they are living right now to escape from Ray.

"Harry? You came so early. I thought you two will not come tonight" Liam mocked as he noticed harry entered the home through the door. Liam and Niall were playing video games while Gemma was sipping coffee at the dining table.

Harry was looking down, his condition was miserable which caught gemma's eyes.

"Harry, what happened? Are you okay? " Gemma asked but he didn't notice Zayn which made her confused.

"Harry, where is zayn?" Gemma asked as she was looking at harry's behind if zayn was there or not.

Harry walked to the house, he didn't know how to give them an answer. He continued his walking without giving them an answer.

"Harry wait where are you going? Where is Zayn?" Gemma asked worriedly but Harry didn't look back.

Liam and Niall stopped playing and stood beside Gemma.

"What happened to him? " Niall asked as he was looking at Harry who was walked up to the stairs. They followed him to his room

Harry walked to the bathroom, closed the door behind him. He sat down by leaning on the floor and broke out in crying. He couldn't believe, he lost zayn again. He was not understanding what should he do. And what to think.

He was whimpering loudly, which could be heard outside.

"Harry, open the door. What happened?" Gemma said loudly as she was knocking on the door.

"Open the door, Harry. " Liam told. At that moment the calling bell rang at the door.

"Niall, go and check it," Gemma told Niall. Niall nodded and headed for the door.


Zayn felt the car has stopped moving, he was scared his heart skipped a beat when someone grabbed his arm harshly, pulled him out of the car.

He was blindfolded, everything was dark. He didn't even know where he was. He was only thinking about Harry. What he is doing? What his reaction was when he find Zayn was not there? What he will think about him? Will harry think he hates him? Will harry be able to love him again? So many things were roaming on zayn's mind. He knows something horrible is coming towards him but he was not paying attention to that. His concern was for Harry.

The grip on his arm was tight, he didn't know who he was. That man pulling him up to the stairs harshly, he was stumbling on each stair but the gripped on his arm was not letting him fall.

He then found himself in an elevator. He was trying to prepare himself for the future which was he is going to face.

The lift stopped and that man gripped his arm tightly, tugging him. He heard a doorknob twisted and someone shoved him to the room. He couldn't balance as it was dark and his hand was cuffed. He falls to the hard floor and winced.

Then someone removes the clothes from his eyes. He fluttered open his eyes. He couldn't adjust the sudden light in his eyes.

His vision was not fully cleared, he got a blow on his face and he squeaked. He couldn't get time to breathe as someone fisted on his hair, which made him winced.

"What did you think huh? You can escape from me so easily. "

Zayn cried when he heard that horrible voice which made him scared more, Ray.

He made tremble boy stood up by gripping his hair and tossed him in the bed. 

He didn't get a chance to look that there was a bed in that room. He glanced at the room and saw it was a small type of room with white walls. There was not much furniture. Only a cupboard was there and a small bed.

"Zayn, you have just crossed your limit. Don't you? How dare you flee away from me? " Ray growled and slapped him hard on zayn's face which made zayn fall in the bed. He began to cry, shaking. He knows it is just started and he is going to get more pain.

" sorry," Zayn said between his sob

"There is no forgiveness of your mistake," Ray growled and walked to the cupboard.

Zayn was scared of Ray's next move. He couldn't stop his tears. It was rolling continuously.

He gulped when he saw Ray took out a cane from the cupboard.

"I have to teach you some lesson. So that you can learn how to obey your master." Ray growled as he swung the cane in the air which made zayn flinch.


"Louis? Where were you? And why your condition is like that?" Niall asked as he saw Louis on the door. There was bruising on his face. And his dress was dirty.

"Forget it, Niall. Where is Harry?" Louis asked quickly. He was tired, it looks he couldn't walk.

"Harry locked himself to the bathroom.  And he is not opening it. On the other hand, zayn is missing " Niall said which made Louis's eyes widen. He couldn't believe how stupid harry is. Harry should go and save zayn instead of crying.

"Take me to harry, please. I need to inform him something" Louis said as he was breathing heavily.

"Ok come quickly. " Niall said. He was confused by seeing Louis like that.

They reached the room and saw Gemma was still banging the door. But harry was not opening it.

"Harry" Louis called this time.

Harry's eyes widen when he heard Louis's voice. Anger was fuming inside him because he knows well that Louis is the reason zayn left again.

He threw open the door aggressively and stormed out, grabbed Louis collar pinned him to the wall.

"What did you said to zayn? Tell me. Or else I will kill you right now." Harry growled.

"Harry, what are you doing? You can't do this to him. Leave him." Gemma said as she freed harry from Louis.

"No gemma, he is right. He has the right to do it. Only for me, Ray took zayn again." Louis said as he began to cry.

"Ray? Again? How? Louis what are you saying? Where is Zayn? What is happening here? I am not getting anything " Gemma asked impatiently to harry as she jerked him.

"It is all my fault. I shouldn't do that" Louis cried.

"Louis look stop your crying. Tell me what happened. What is going on?" Gemma asked as she wrapped her hand around Louis, rubbing his back to calm him down

"Louis tell us what happened? I am sure we can sort out the problem by fighting together."Liam said as he put a consoling hand on Louis's shoulder.

Harry fall to his knee and began to sob tremendously. He still can't believe Zayn is not with him. He wanted to be with zayn.

" ZAYN" he shouted and then broke out in crying.

Gemma eyes flooded with tears by seeing his brother broken

"Harry, don't cry. We will find him. Ok? He is yours, Harry. Go and take him.  You can't let a monster like Ray take your man. He is yours, you should fight for him. You can't be weak." Gemma said, trying to courage Harry.

"Yes, Harry. Gemma is right, you can't be weak. Go and take your man" Niall said.

Harry stopped crying, sniffled wiped his tears, stood up.

"Ok, I will go and take my zayn back. He is mine, only mine. No one will ever be able to touch him again. I will fight for him until my last breath." Harry said while clenching his jaw.

"Yes, that's what we wanted. Harry, you can't be broken. Ok? You have to be strong. So to get zayn back, we have to make a plan. So first Louis, tell me what exactly happened," Gemma asked.

Sorry for the late update. Thanks to desertlurker23 for inspiring me to write this book more.

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