2 - Change

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"Hey Tubbo," An airbender greeted the boy as he landed on the ground near the air bison to return the glider. He didn't wear the traditional airbender robes instead he wore a green robe and black clothes.

"Hi Phil, where's my dad?" Tubbo said with a smile.

"Tubbo!" A young airbender with ginger hair sped over to him on an airscooter. The 6 year old hid behind Tubbo as Wilbur came running down to them calling his name.

"Fundy!" He yelled, stopping for a second to catch his breath, "oh good you're back. Have you seen Fundy?"

"Uhhh, no," Tubbo said as the boy giggled behind him.

"I'm right here, Daddy," Fundy said, jumping out from behind Tubbo and hugging Wilbur.

"There's my little champion," Wilbur scooped Fundy into his arms as the boy tried to run away. "You'll always be my little boy."

"No," Fundy laughed as Wilbur tossed him behind his back. "Put me down."

"Alright you two, we should go back in for dinner," Phil chuckled at his son and grandson, "so how's Tommy doing?"

"He's okay, I took him gliding today like you suggested," Tubbo couldn't shake off the worried vibe he got from Tommy whenever he talked about his brother, and when he left Tommy to come back home.

"But," Phil coaxed.

"I don't think he has a great home life," Tubbo said, "is my dad going to be here tonight?" His dad's schedule was messy and sometimes he stayed late in the city.

"Not tonight I'm afraid, he has to start planning for Spirit Day," Phil said, "but he wanted me to be home for you and Wilbur." Tubbo's dad, Jschlatt, had been elected president just last year, so it was special whenever he got to spend dinner with him and the rest of the air nomads that lived on the island.

"But you'll never guess who's visiting today," Wilbur said, making Tubbo perk up, usually Asami, Bolin, and others apart of the old team Avatar visited. Asami still lived in Republic City but her 18 year old daughter usually stayed in the south pole. Bolin was a professional mover star so he and Opal visiting were rare. Mako was head of security for the current president of the Earth Kingdom so he almost never visited except on holidays.

"Ranboo," Tubbo guessed, he was an old friend of Tubbo's who lived on the island before the young firebender had to go train in the Fire Nation.

"Even better," Opal grinned as she glided over to them. Tubbo grinned and took off running towards the pavilion.

"Jack," Tubbo called as he ran into the dining area, looking for the earthbending son of Bolin and Opal. When he did he saw Jack, Puffy, Asami and Korra's daughter, and a girl he didn't recognize. The girl wore royal Fire Nation garb, and her black hair had been partially dyed blonde in the front.

"Good you're all here," Jinora said coming in from another room, "This is Princess Nihachu. She is here for a special assignment for you five. But we can talk about it after dinner."

"No way," Jack whispered to Tubbo and pointed at Nihachu behind his hand, "the fire princess."

"Uh, I'm the daughter of the previous Avatar, hello," Puffy said, and Nihachu laughed.

"It's an honor to meet you Puffy," Nihachu said, "as a fellow future leader and maybe a friend."

"Well I'm Tubbo," Tubbo introduced, he wasn't anyone special so he felt out of place with all of these descendants of people important to Republic City's history. Sure his dad was president but that was Schlatt, not Tubbo.

"You're just as important as everyone here," Jinora reassured Tubbo, "even if you don't know why yet."

"Do you know?" Tubbo said, curious what his role was in the bigger picture.

"You have a connection to the spirit world that rivals my own, don't count yourself out just because your bending isn't as good," Jinora smiled. The other airbenders started to come in, chatting with each other talking about the upcoming month. Asami was happily talking with Bolin and Opal.

"Tubbo, I want to thank you for willing to be friends with Tommy," Asami told him, "You've made him very happy."

"Well that is what airbenders are supposed to do, help others," Tubbo had lots of friends between the airbenders and the visitors to Republic City that stay at the island. To him what was one more?

"Well to Tommy your friendship has helped him greatly," Asami smiled, "he's happier because of you."

"That's great," Tubbo said, sure he had noticed Tommy seemed a little down when he first met him, but he did a good job of hiding it. As they started hanging out more Tommy started to open up to Tubbo and didn't seem as tense.

After dinner Jinora pulled Tubbo, Jack, Nihachu, Puffy, and another young girl to another room. Their parents had come too, well those that were there, and in Tubbo's case Phil had. The new girl had short curly brown hair and chestnut skin, her dad had the same skin tone and short black hair.

"Everyone, this is Jordan Sparklez and his daughter Crumb," Jinora introduced, "she is a non-bender but can certainly hold her own against benders. The reason for such a diverse group is I want you five to look for the Avatar. Something is going on in Republic City that we may need them for."

"Why us, we're just, let's be honest, kids," Jack asked.

"But kids can do a lot, Avatar Korra was just your age when she stopped Amon and then later saved Republic City from Unavaatu," Jinora said, "You will need to train this new Avatar whoever they may be. Tubbo I want you to meditate on this tonight and figure out where you need to start here. Meelo and Ikki have their own group looking in the Earth Kingdom."

"Yes Master Jinora," Tubbo kept his arms to his sides and bowed to her.

"Can I help at all," someone said from the door, there was no hiding the joy on Tubbo's face when he heard them. "Dad!"

"Hey kiddo, sorry I'm late," Schlatt looked like he had just arrived on the island, his hair was still windswept, he smelled of cologne and the harbor.

"You're just on time," Tubbo said as he hugged him tighter.

Dadschlatt dynamic! I legit love that family dynamic, sadly there won't be the full Sleepy Bois dynamic in this story, but I felt I needed to do something different. Thank you for reading, please vote and comment.

Question of the Chapter: What X-Life members would you like to see appear in this book?
Answering this will really help me know what you guys would want, because this story is not only for me, it's for you guys as well. Everyone who does answer will be given a shout out in the chapter I use the answers.

Peace out benders and Minecrafters from around the world!

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