28 - Spirit Day

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Days went by, tensions were high and Techno grew more distant. He'd been more agitated than usual and only came out to give Tommy some gruff advice about waterbending, but it sounded more like criticism. He'd been disappearing everyday. Tommy was starting to worry that what Zaheer had said had gotten to him. Night had fallen on another day and Tommy had gone up to the roof to be with his thoughts.

"Mind if I join you," Ranboo climbed up to the roof of the house where Tommy lay.

"Sure," Tommy said in a monotone voice, staring up at the stars.

"It's peaceful up here," Ranboo commented, his awkward attempt at conversation. "And quiet."

"Mhm," Tommy said. Now that the two were alone he didn't bother pretending to be friendly with him.

"We can't keep doing this," Ranboo said. "Pretending to be friends. I want to be friends, but only if you want to."

"I don't know," Tommy admitted. He didn't know what he wanted anymore. It felt like his entire life he had been told what to do. And now it still was, even if he was asked what to do it felt as if he had no choice. He had to learn the different elements, he never wanted to, he never asked for this, but it was his reality. It was his responsibility. And as the Avatar it would forever be that way.

"Well I'll make it simple you tell me something about yourself and I'll tell you something about me," Ranboo said.

"My favorite color is red," Tommy said. That was simple enough for him.

Ranboo didn't respond right away, he silently counted on his fingers then smiled. "Today's my birthday. Funny enough it's also Spirit Day."

"Cool, well happy birthday," Tommy said awkwardly, not knowing if he should mention that meant his birthday had been yesterday. He had lost track of time and his birthday wasn't always at the forefront of his mind. "How old are you?"

"17," Ranboo said. "What's Spirit Day like in Republic City? I heard they have a parade."

"I wouldn't know, I've never been," Tommy said. He'd never been allowed to go with Clay and the others. Always told it was too dangerous. "Did you celebrate it in the Northern Water Tribe?"

"Not exactly," Ranboo said. He recounted to Tommy how being a close friend of Technoblade he was allowed to travel to the Southern Water Tribe with him. They had a small dinner, it wasn't a celebration of the next Avatar like everyone else had. Instead they celebrated Avatar Korra's life, and mourned her death.

"That's... sad," Tommy said. Ranboo laughed.

"It was an honor to be included in their little gathering. I was surprised the first time Techno asked me to join them. It was kinda weird celebrating Korra instead of the next Avatar, but that's how it should be. According to Master Jinora she did die on Spirit Day after all."

"So if you were born an Earthbender, you could have been the Avatar!" Tommy said, "And that means my birthday is actually today."

"That's really cool, we share a birthday." Ranboo chuckled, then realized what else Tommy had said. "Hold on, you didn't know when your birthday was?"

"No! I just took a wild guess and somehow was right, well close. I always celebrate the day before Spirit Day." Tommy said. Tubbo promising him that they would go gliding on that day felt years away. "Wow."


"A lot can change in a month."

"It sure can."

"The day's not over, we could still do something for your birthday." Tommy said, part of him wanting to do something for himself as well.

"We could do something for yours as well," Ranboo said. "But what would we do?"

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