21 - Revelations

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"Hey, check this out," Clay said, handing a newspaper to George and Sapnap.

"'Probending team Ba Sing Se Badgermoles found in the Spirit Wilds unconscious and paralized. It is unknown when they will recover or if they will.'" Sapnap read aloud the first few sentences of the article. "Then some other junk about not knowing what happened."

"Weren't we supposed to go against them in the finals?" George said.

"Yeah," Clay chuckled. "Good radiance am I right?"

"What is that supposed to mean," George said, "We always play in the finals?"

"They've been cheating the entire tournament," Clay said, "a team doesn't just win every game they play without any fouls, even in the pre tournament."

"We have," Sapnap said, "We... always... have. You, you've been cheating for us haven't you. How long has this been going on?"

"I don't know what-" Clay started as Sapnap walked up to him and lifted him up by the collar.

"I want the truth Clay, have you been paying off the refs." Sapnap demanded.

"Is this supposed to be a threat," Clay smirked.

"Sapnap, you don't have to get mad at him," George said, trying to calm down the situation.

"You're right, I don't," Sapnap roughly let go of Clay. "We're down a member anyway. I can just say that we forfeit before the officials declare their loss."

"But we're not, just because he ran away, doesn't mean I don't know where Tommy is." Clay said, Sapnap froze.


"I know more about Tommy than he does," Clay said, "So go ahead, walk away now, ruin any chance of him finding his family here in Republic City."

"What is wrong with you?" Sapnap snapped after punching Clay, causing his nose to start bleeding. "You have this weird obsession with the kid, it's wrong. Is this all just a game for you?"

"No, this is real life Nick," Clay said, scowling at him. "You have no idea how devastated I was when she died, how much I blamed myself. Then I found Tommy and was offered a family, so I will do everything I can to protect him. I don't care that he's the Avatar, I'm the only one who can keep him safe."

"Your so-called overprotectiveness is hurting him!" Sapnap said. "Where is he?"

"I don't care, I'm his brother, I do what I need to," Clay said.

"Where is he, Clay," Sapnap said, hoping that he was lying about knowing where Tommy was.

"With Eret," Clay said. "I went there a couple days ago."

"Okay, I won't forfeit, but don't expect to see me here again," Sapnap said, walking out of the house. As he walked down the street he pulled out his phone and dialed Eret, it rang for a bit before the call cut out. He tried again, he had to know if Clay was telling the truth.

"Hello Sapnap," Sapnap's heart sank when he heard Tommy's voice.

"Hey kid, I have some bad news for you," Sapnap said, the sooner he told him the better.

"Wha-what did something happen to you or George? Or Clay?" Tommy couldn't help but add the last part, he still cared for his brother, no matter what he did.

"It's nice to hear that you care about us, but no," Sapnap said, hesitating for a moment trying to think of a good way to phrase it. Why was it so hard to break the news to him?

"What is it then?" Tommy asked, starting to dread the answer.

"Clay, he knows where you are." Sapnap heard the phone clatter to the ground. "Tommy? Tommy!"

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