5 - Secrets

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When they left that morning Tommy had been expecting to do the same thing as yesterday, but instead Clay drove into the city and headed toward the bridge connecting the mainland to Airbender Island. Tommy was thrilled to see the temple come into view. This was it, he could finally introduce Tubbo to Clay and he wouldn't have to lie anymore.

"Tom," Fundy practically yelled, when Tommy opened the car door. The boy latched onto his leg and started chanting. "Play! Play with me!"

"Get off my leg," Tommy said, shaking his leg around to try to get him to let go, but that only made him start laughing.

"Fundy," Wilbur said, "let go of Tommy so he can get out of the car, then you two can go play."

"Out, out, out," Fundy chanted, jumping up and down. As soon as Tommy had gotten his other leg out of the car Fundy grabbed his hand and started pulling him away.

"Sorry Clay," Tommy said, letting himself be dragged away. "I'll be back, I swear."

"No, Tommy we have to-" Clay startet, how did these people already know Tommy? What hadn't he been telling him?

"Let the kid have some fun," Phil interrupted, coming up to Clay, "besides, you can't always expect teenagers to listen."

"Tommy's different," Clay tried to glare at him, but Phil just smiled at him.

"Do you have a problem with being here," Phil asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because I have no quarrel with you. I just want what's best for Tommy."

"Funny, because I want the same thing," Clay folded his arms, "stop trying to threaten me. Aren't airbenders supposed to be peaceful and avoid conflict?"

"This airbender wouldn't hesitate to put you down if you lay a finger on Tommy or any of my family," Phil said, his tone turning dark.

"Whatever I believe is best for Tommy doesn't concern you," Clay said, "you have no idea what I can do, and what I'm willing to do."

"I get the feeling that what you think is best for Tommy, doesn't mean you have his best interests at heart," Phil said, looking over at Wilbur with a smile. "I just want the kid to be able to live his best life."

"Tommy owes me his life, I have every right to tell him what he can and can't do," Clay lowered his voice, "so stay out of my way, for his sake."

Tommy stopped with Fundy in front of Tubbo, Jack, and Puffy. Niki was not far behind them training with her firebending.

"I got him," Fundy said to Tubbo, letting go of Tommy's hand. "Candy, now."

"Alright, don't tell your dad," Tubbo handed a sucker to the boy and he grinned, skipping away.

"You really got a five year old to bring me to you," Tommy said, "You know I only was able to come here for probender training. Clay's going to be pissed if he finds out I ran off with you guys."

"Well my dad was on the Fire Ferrets when he was our age," Jack said, "I'm sure he still knows a few moves."

"Who is he," Tommy asked as Bolin came over to the training area.

"Did someone say probending," Bolin said, pointing finger guns at Tommy. "No? Nothing? Man that always made kids laugh."

"You're better at acting, Dad," Jack said, "maybe stick to big crowds and shouting 'Republic City'."

"Oh come on, lighten up Jack," Bolin said, "So probending, why don't you show me what you know? Did you know Korra, Mako, and I were around your age when we first started." Puffy cocked her head and raised her eyebrows at Bolin.

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