33 - Sacrifices

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Master Jinora watched as everyone gathered in the temple, dawn was in an hour and she was supposed to announce who would be the negotiation group.

"Joining me," She started, pausing to wait for anyone still talking to quiet down. "Will be President J Schlatt, Tommy Innit, Opal, Sapnap, and Kristen."

Philza looked at his wife, the shock clear on his face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to worry you, and I knew you'd talk me out of going," She whispered, squeezing his hand. "Jinora came up to me and asked me to go, saying that Tommy needed someone he would know but wouldn't seem like a threat to the infected. Of course I had to join them."

"Please be careful," Phil said, "I don't want anything to happen to you or Tommy."

"Then you need to promise me the same," She said, "That you and Technoblade will come back home with me."

"I promise," Phil said, Kristen then echoing him.

After Jinora had finalized everyone who was going with Technoblade and Niki, she began out to the halls with Tommy following. They had plans to make.

"Tommy," Jack called, running after them, "Good both of you are here. I thought you might want this." The bearded man handed an old polaroid to Tommy. "It's a picture I found of you and Aaron."

"Oh, thank you," He examined the photo. Tommy couldn't believe that one of the two nearly identical blond haired boys was him. One, obviously him, had short curly hair and piercing blue eyes. The other had slightly longer straight hair, and heterocromia, one eye green, the other light brown. Tommy's eyes went wide and he quickly stuffed the photo into his pocket before Jinora could see.

"Cool, I hope things go well today. I can't wait to get to know you better," Jack said, shifting his weight from foot to foot, then turning around and starting back down the hall.

"Wait," Tommy said, Jack stopped, turning back towards him, "Why? Why do you care so much? I don't understand why you'd want me."

"Because some people you just know are worth it," Jack shrugged. "I don't know much about your past or about what you've gone through. I just know that you're my family and that we both thought we lost each other. And it would be nice to try and make up for lost time."

"You want me cause I'm family," Tommy said, "I'm sorry, I just don't understand."

"I don't want you exactly, I want you to be free," Jack said. "Free to make your own choices, to be able to make your life yours. I want you to be happy, Tommy."

"Happy? You don't want anything from me? You just want me to be happy?" Those words felt odd on his tongue, someone just wanted him to be happy? That couldn't be it, there had to be something more. There always was.

"Tommy, we should go now," Jinora said gently, "We don't have much time until dawn."

"Right, I'm coming," Tommy said, "Bye Jack."

"Be good, kid," Jack waved. "Stay out of trouble."

"I can't promise that," Tommy called.

The sun had begun to rise over the horizon when Jinora had led them towards Republic City. The small boat they sat in rocked against the waves. The bridge was covered in vines now and unsafe to cross. Tommy moved his hands to control the water currents, moving the boat faster. They soon hit the shore and were jerked forward by the impact. The group trekked through the spirit wilds, Jinora and Schlatt leading the way with the others flanking them. Tommy's shoulders tensed as they went deeper into the vines, his fists curled up, his breathing quickened.

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